What could have gone wrong? -The Crew

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This takes Place Possibly in an AU... or in the same Universe...

*In the start of the day... Cypher was bored and tried after selling some potions... to random people... he dropped his bag of cash... on the floor*

*Cy just took his shirt off to reveal a floofy red and brown furry chest...*

Cy: man.. what a day.... I'll just go to the library... and I dunno... maybe absorb more... creatures...

*A Demonic Overlord in Hell... That he absorbed manifested as a shadow*

Brick: hey kid... if your gonna do something Rash... I warned you Lucifer is gonna be pissed you keep absorbing a lot of demons... especially some of us Overlords from hell... why cant you stick to absorb on a different dimension?

*Cypher sighed*

Cypher: because there the thing... I even Absorbed THE UNIVERSES itself.. 

*Brick didn't say anything as he looks at Cypher*

Cypher: so hell is my last destination to absorbed more souls to my collection and my growth of powers...

Brick: yeah... but don't absorbed to much! Ok...

*Cypher sighed and lays down*

Brick: well I'll be back...

*the silhouette dissapear*

Cy: man... what else has in store for me? Oh well... I'll just head for the library...

*Cypher head to the secret painting and flips the switch to open a door...*

*Cypher sighed as he heads downstairs*

*Cypher starts humming as he went for a different room... the library...*

Cypher: what do we have here for today? Huh?

*Cypher flicks his fingers and the books starts levitate towards him...*

*He was humming and look at the spells and magic... he can use for something useful... but he already mastered some of them... he just made a sigh as he couldn't find anything amusing... that was until... a random book hits at the back of his head..*

Cypher: ow!

*Cypher head spins for a bit similar to a cartoon character...*

Cypher: what the hell...

*Cypher was confused on what kind of book he was holding...*

Cy: this is just a bunch of baloney

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Cy: this is just a bunch of baloney..

*Cypher sat in the center of the pentagram...*

*He read through some of the passage of the book...*

Cypher: so I need to recite some passage... or spells to make this work... huh... oh well..  let's give this a try...

*Cypher is holding the book and it levetiate in the air*

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