Chapter 16

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SOTC:Nothing Like Us by Justin Bieber
Sabrina's POV:
"So Sabrina I have some good news and some bad news"
"Well good news is you only have a concussion which is better than a brain injury. but the bad news is that you have 2 broken ribs and while I was looking at you're X-ray I noticed that you have an injured knee.."
"Yeah I know. It's been injured for awhile." I said.
"Unfortunately it is so injured that you have to get surgery. If you further injury it then you could end up paralyzed." I sat there with my mouth open. I could be paralyzed?...😧😱.
"So the sooner you get the surgery done the better chance you have of not hurting yourself anymore." the doctor said.
"Okay can I at least do it in two weeks ?" I asked.
"Yeah that should be okay. What I'll have you do is when we are done here go up to the main hospital and talk to the surgeon."
"Okay" was all I could say. He gave me a pyscription for nausea medication and sent me up to talk to the surgeon. Me and Justin walked up since I told him he didn't have to carry me anymore.
However every time I walked i winced. We finally got up to the surgeon's office. We talked to him and set up an appointment for in 2 weeks. We walked back to Justin's truck and he helped me in. It was about 10:30 AM so I decided to go talk to Shawn.
"Justin can we go to Midwest?"
"Why babe you gotta rest." he said.
"I wanna talk to Shawn pleaseee." i wined.
"Yay!!!!!" I giggled. Justin pulled into starbucks and I giggled
"You know me so well.." he got me a tazo tea😍 ( goals😍😭). He drove to midwest and we got out. When I jumped out of his truck i winced.
"You okay babe?" He asked me.
I smiled at him and said "I'll be okay" we walked in. Chris came up to us.
"Oh my god sabrina I heard what happened I'm sorry." he said hugging me. I winced.
"Sorry"😁 he said
"It's okay."
"So I heard you went to the hospital. Is everything okay?" He asked.
"Well I have a concussion and two broken ribs, oh and I'm gonna have to have surgery on my knee in two weeks."
"Oh wow...." he said shocked.
"Yeah it's a lot to take in."
"Where's Shawn?" Justin asked
"In the office." We walked to the office and told Shawn about my injuries and about the surgery.
"I'm gonna kill him." Shawn said.
"No Shawn. You remember what happened last time." I said
"What happened last time?" Justin asked.

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