Chapter 24

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Sabrina's POV:

Once the timer went off we looked at the test and they all said one thing.....
No. Please no. I'm only 18.
"Maybe they're wrong. " I said with slight hope in my voice.
"Sabrina 5 tests said positive. Face it. A mini you is gonna be runnin around here" Caitlin said. I glared at her.
"Caitlin you can't tell anyone. "
"Can I at least tell Luke?". If you didn't know Caitlin is dating the all so famous Luke Hemmings from 5 Seconds of Summer.
"I don't care. Just make sure he doesn't tell Ashton. " Me and Ashton Irwin had a thing about a year ago.
"He won't." I nodded.
"Im gonna make a doctors appointment for tomorrow. Will you come?"
"YES I WILL GO" she yelled
"Who's going?" She questioned
"Only you."
"Well damn I feel special😊" I had to laugh. I felt exhausted. Both mentally and physically. I stashed the tests in the towel closet. He normally gets towels from the dryer so that shouldn't be a problem. I called the doctors office and set up an appointment for tomorrow at 8:45 AM. Justin leaves for work at 8 so that gives me time. I am the new assistant at Midwest. But since I've been sick Justin's made me stay home.
"Caitlin I made an appointment for 8:45" I yelled to her. she was raiding the fridge.
"Are you kidding me? You expect me to get up that early?!..."
"Really Caitlin..."
"Fineeeeee." She said in a whinny tone. We talked for a bit on the couch about Luke and pizza. And let me tell you that made me want pizza. Caitlin left after an hour and I decided to take a nap.
I woke up to Justin shaking me.
"Babe wake up. "
"Hiii" I said in a groggy voice.
"How long have you been asleep?"
"Well what time is it?"
"Well I've been asleep for about 5 hours" I said laughing.
"How are you feeling?"
"Like sh!t"
"Maybe you should go to the doctors."
"I know I know." We talked for a good 3 hours and he ate dinner while I really didn't feel like eating.
We went to bed at 11.
The next day when I woke up he was gone. It was 8 o'clock. Perfect that gave me 25 minutes to get ready since the doctors office is 20 minutes away. I texted Caitlin what time I wanted to leave and she said she would pick me up. I jumped in the shower and got ready with about 3 minutes to spare. I walked out to the kitchen and saw a note on the counter
'Goodmorning Princess,
Don't come into work today. Just stay home and rest. I'll see you tonight. I love you
-Justin' I smiled. Hopefully if I'm pregnant he'll still feel the same way. I looked out the window and saw the too familiar red Camaro sitting in the driveway. I grabbed my purse and my phone and walked out the door. I hopped in and she drove to the doctors office. We walked in the building and I checked in. They gave me a sheet of questions consisting of 'do you consume drugs?' or 'do you consume alcohol?' finally when I finished they called me back into a room. They took my blood to test. After a very long and nerve racking 15 minutes the doctor came back in.
"Hello Sabrina. I've looked at your test results and I'm sorry to inform you you are not pregnant. I'm sorry" I slightly smiled. But it was only half heartedly
"Thank you". The doctor left the room and I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in.
"Holy cow. You're not pregnant." I nodded and we left. She drove me home and I saw Justin's truck in the driveway. I thanked Caitlin for bringing me and she hugged me. I walked in the house and Justin was standing by the couch. With the pregnancy tests in his hand.
"Sabrina. What. The. Hell. Is. This."

A/N - fun fact. The part where Caitlin says "YES I WILL" part was an actual quoted conversation between me and Caitlin 😂😂

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