Chapter 20

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A/N-That's Sabrina's truck above Sabrina's POV:
After partially explaining what happened to caitlin. I went up into the guest room and went to sleep. Hey it's been a long day.
-Next Day-
I woke up at my alarm at 6. I decided last night that if I didn't go to school I would probably just mope around the house and I really just wanted to keep my mind busy. I got ready and are breakfast. Caitlin already left. She probably thought I wasn't going today. So I just took my own truck. I got to school and a bunch of people were looking at me. I just kept my head down and walked to my locker. (Skipping the school day since nothing happened) It's now last period but I have Gym and since I have a concussion I don't take gym. So I just decided to go home. I decided to go to Justin's house cause he would be at work at this time. But when I got there. Wrong. He was sitting there watching the door.(lol little creepy😁😂)
"Where were you?" He said in a low almost whisper.
"At a friends." I said simply.
"That's not good enough..." he gets up and starts storming towards me.....

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