Chapter 6

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Sabrina's POV:

So right now I'm at Midwest Steet Cars with Justin and Shawn. And I'm in Justin's office drawing. While they're doing......whatever they do. I am currently drawing Justin's car. I like it!!!! While I'm drawing Justin came in.

"Hey what are you doing gorgeous?"

"I'm drawing your car" He came over and looked at my drawing.

"I like it!!" He said smiling

"Thanks I still have to finish it but it's a start!!" I said smiling. We sat in his office a bit and made small talk. I finally finished the drawing.

"Hey Justin I finished the drawing!!" He came over and looked at it. His mouth hung open.

"Wow that's awesome!! It makes my car look like a total badass!!"

"That's because your car is a badass!!" I smirked at him. He smiled at me. He leaned in and kissed me.

"You know I could get used to that" He smiled at me.

"Me too" I smiled. He leaned in again and we kissed. But this time Shawn walked in.

"What the hell is going on?." He yelled. At this point I was sitting on the counter and Justin was standing in front of me. I quickly jumped off the counter.

"Shawn what's up?" I quickly said trying to change the subject.

"Well I came up to see if my sister wanted a ride home and I see her making out with my best friend."

"Shawn just calm down. I'll be there in a minute." Shawn left without saying another word. Justin sighed.

"I'll call you later okay?"

"Okay. Just call me and let me know you got home safe" I nodded, he kissed me and I left. I went to Shawn's truck and got in. He was already in there waiting for me.

"Sabrina what is going on with you and Chief?"

"Well........ last night before we went to the hospital he told me he really liked me, and he asked me out on a date. Then we sorta kissed."

"Ugh" He put his head in his hands.

"Just tell me if he ever hurts you okay?"Shawn said.

"Yes Shawnnn" He started his truck and he started driving home. We got home and I went inside. Yes me and Shawn live together since I need to get out of my parents house, and he offered so I pay him rent to live there. I want to get my own appartment soooo. Shawn doesn't know this but I am going appartment searching this week. I don't want to tell him until I have to. I go in the house and to my room to call Justin and change into a pair of MY clothes. I change into a pair of leggings and a big sweater. And call Justin.

-Phone Call-


S-Sabrina (me)


S-Hey Justin it's me Sabrina

J-Oh hey Sabrina what's up?

S- Me and Shawn just got home and I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later...

J- Yeah sure how about I cook you dinner?

S- That sounds great!!

J- And I was wondering.... if you wanna sleep over maybe..?

S- Yeah totally I have to go to school tomorrow but I'll just bring my stuff and I'll leave from your house!!

J- Okay I'll call you when I leave Midwest...

S- Okay I'll see you later!! Bye!

J-Bye gorgeous!

-End Of Phone Call-

Big Chief's POV:

I walked in to the garage on the phone with Sabrina

"Yeah sure how about I cook you dinner?"

"And I was wondering.... if you wanna sleep over maybe..?"

"Okay I'll call you when I leave Midewest..."

"Bye gorgeous!" I hang up the phone and Lutz is looking at me in shock.

"What?" I questioned.

"What has she done to you man. You must really like her."Lutz said.

"Now what makes you say that?"

"Well... for starters your gonna cook her dinner and you asked if she wanted to sleep over.."

"Yeah I really like her man" I shake my head

"I don't know what she is doing to me.." I mutter.

"Well chief she really must be something special if your willing to do that for her"

"She is....."

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