Chapter 23

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Sabrina's POV:
1 Month Later

Tomorrow is the 4th of July!! I'm so excited.Let me catch you up on what happened last month. Ryan shot me. I was in a coma for about a week. I came home 2 days after I woke up. I graduated!!!
I was sitting in my row. My leg shaking a hundred miles an hour. Justin was in the audience as well as Shawn. Even my mom is here!! I'm predicting that I'm gonna fall. Either that or burst out crying. My row rises and my hands are shaking. We walk up to wait to receive our diplomas.
"Sabrina Alice Ellington" I walk across the field. Did I mention our graduation is on the "best high school football field" I hear Shawn and Justin yell. I blush slightly. I get to the principle I shake his hand as he hands me my diploma
"Congratulations Sabrina" I mutter a 'thank you' before walking back to my row. -After Graduation- I run up to Justin and jump in his arms.
"Babe how does it feel that your girlfriend is officially now a high school graduate"
"Well I feel old." I giggled. I hugged my mom as well as Shawn. My mom couldn't say though because she said it was too hard. But I understood. After graduation we went out to dinner and had a huge party the night after. We had people from the list and from racing. There was a LOT of people from the class of 2015!! Me and Justin made love that night.
-End Of Recap-
I've been sick for about a week and a half so far. I've been throwing up. Caitlin's worried about me so she's coming over. The doorbell just rung but I'm on the bathroom floor. Then I hear the door open.
"Where you at biotch" that made me giggle a little bit before throwing up again. She strutted into the bathroom.
"Holy crap you look like sh!t" I muttered a 'thanks'
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"If I knew I'd tell you" I muttered.
"You're not pregnant right?...." I froze. I can't be pregnant can I? Then I remember the graduation party night. Sh!t....
"Say no more I'm going to CVS" she walked out leaving me there to think about why would happen if I was pregnant. I'm only 18. Justin's 26. Not to mention Shawn's gonna kick both of our asses.As I was sitting there contemplating what I was gonna do I didn't even realize I had started crying. Caitlin came in and immediately hugged me.
"I got 5 just to be sure" I nodded and closed the door. Once I was done I opened the door again and waited with Caitlin till 7 minutes was over. Once the timer went off we looked at the test and they all said one thing.....

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