Chapter 10

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Big Chief's POV:
Chuck called me saying he wanted to call out Dominator for the number 10 spot. He wanted me to go with him but I told him Sabrina was coming. He said it didn't matter. I know Sabrina told me she really didn't like Chuck. This is gonna go over well. Sabrina walked in when I was on the phone with Chuck.
"Yeah just come over to Midwest and we can go call him out." I got off the phone with Chuck and turned towards Sabrina.
"Hey!" I smiled at her.
"Who's coming?"
"Um....." I don't wanna tell her.
"Justin who is coming?"
" here's the thing...."
"Justin for the love of God just tell me" she said fustrated.
"But I wanted to hang out with you...." she frowned.
"You can come with us!" I told her.
"You and Chuck?"
"Chuck...." Her face had a look of disgust.
"Fine....." she finally agreed.

Sabrina's POV:

Great.... Chuck. All I wanted to do was hang out with Justin and finish my homework. But no gotta go with Chuck. This just puts a great part to my Monday. About 20 minutes later Chuck comes and we all hop in Justin's truck. Me sitting in the back😒. Um Chuck haven't you heard of ladies first?. I was on my phone the whole time while Justin and Chuck were talking about their cars and the top 10 list. We finally got to dominator's garage and Chuck called him out for his number 10 spot. We got back in the truck and drove back to Midwest. But this time I saw Shawn.
"Great now she's here." he said throwing a wrench.
"What's your problem?" I asked.
"You your my problem first you invade the race night. Then you start sleeping over my best friend's house and now your invading my work place. God won't you ever leave me alone?." I brushed past Justin and went to the office. I walked in and immediately started crying. I felt arms wrap around me and I knew it was Justin. I just sat there in his arms and cried probably looking like an idiot. I finally got myself together.
"Justin I think I should go."
"You're gonna leave over what Shawn said to you?"
"No I'm gonna go with Caitlin to look at apartments. So I can move out of Shawn's house."i said
"I have a totally less expensive and way better idea." he told me
"And what's that?" I questioned.
"Move into my house."
"What?" I looked at him confused.
"You heard me move in with me."
"Are you sure about this?"i questioned
"Of course I'm sure!!"
"No seriously I love food. Like a lot." he laughed at me.
"And I'll love every second of that."
"Okay well I'm gonna go get my stuff so it's not there when Shawn is."
"Okay I'll drive you."
"It's okay I'll get Caitlin to help me."
"My best friend"
"Ohhhh okay here's my key to my house so you can put your stuff there. I'll get one made for you tonight."
"Okay!" I kissed him goodbye and called Caitlin.
-Phone Call-
S-hey caitlin can you help me?
C- it depends.... Just kidding What do you need?
S- I need you to come pick me up and help me move all my clothes.
C- where?
S- to Justin's house....
C- gurl we gotta talk im comin to get you
S-okay bye..
I hung up the phone and got my stuff. I went out to the parking lot and waited for caitlin she only lives about 5 minutes away so she got here pretty quickly. I got in. And she drove to my "old" house.
"Gurllll are you seriously movin in with Justin?" She asked me.
"Yeah. Shawn said all these things to me about how I'm invading his life so I told Justin that I was gonna leave and go look at apartments but then he said I could move in with him."
"So it was his idea?" I nodded
"Damn gurl" I laughed. We got to Shawn's house and went to my room. We packed all of my clothes in bags. And all of my personal stuff. While we were carrying the stuff out to the car Caitlin asked
"So girl how are we gonna get your stuff in Justin's house. Do I need to ninja kick the door open?"
"No he gave me a key. I said laughing.
"Dang I really wanted to ninja kick the door." she said frowning.
"Maybe next time." I laughed.

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