Chapter 19

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SOTC: little do you know by Alex and Sierra.
Sabrina POV:
"Is she waking up.". I heard someone say.
"Sabrina. Oh my god...." they said again
It was Justin.
"Justin?" I said weakly. What's wrong with my voice.
"I'm here baby. I'm here."
"Shawn? Where's Shawn?" I asked.
"He's eating."
"oh okay. How long have I been asleep?"
"About 3 hours." he replied
"Oh. When can I go home?"
"Sabrina. How do we know that your not gonna just go home and do it again. Shawn told me you used to do it. You need help Sabrina"
"NO I DONT. " I snapped at him.
I sighed .
"I just wanna be alone right now. I'm kinda tired." I lied.
"Okay." He sighed and walked out. I sat there thinking. Why would Shawn tell him? How did Shawn find out? I sat there thinking until the doctor came in.
"Hi Sabrina. I just wanted to come in and ask you how you were feeling."
"I'm feeling okay. I just wanna know when I can go home."I said
"Well here's the thing..." he said sitting down. "questions are arising about if you should get help."
"Listen I don't mean to be rude. But you really don't have any say in if I should get help or not. That's my decision if I want I can help or not and I don't want it I'm fine. All I wanna do is go home and forget about this."
"Okay. You can be released now if you would like all your vitals seem to be okay."
"Thanks" I said in a sarcastic tone.
-after being released from hospital-
I just got released from the hospital and now I was on my way home with Justin I texted caitlin and asked her if I could sleep over considering I really don't wanna talk to Justin right now. Of course she let me. She always understands when I just wanna be left alone. That's why I stay in her guest room a lot when I just wanna be left alone. I told her that I would drive over there when I got home. Did I mention that Shawn dropped my truck off at Justin's. Finally we got home after a long silent car ride. And I walked in the house and packed a pair of clothes and my makeup. I grabbed my truck keys and walked past Justin.
"Where are you going?" He asked me.
"I'm staying over a friends house"
"Which friend" he asked.
"It doesn't matter. Bye" I said and walked out of the door. I hopped in my truck and headed off to Caitlin's. I got to her house and walked in. Yeah I let myself in (something I would do😂). She ran up to me and tackled me.
"Girl you got some explaining to do"
A/N. Hey guys!!!! Again we are almost at 1K. So far we're at 848. 152 more reads!!!!!

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