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There are times when I get so high that I feel like a completely different person. And I'm not just talking regular people kind of different, but I feel like Spiderman or Superman and when it's really good, Kristen is right up there with me, being my Gwen Stacy. I wish that feeling would last forever but nothing that good ever lasts for a long time, much less forever.

And unfortunately I can't be high all the time, especially at home because my parents would definitely notice and all hell would break loose.

"No cellphones at the dinner table." My mother curtly reminds me.

"I'm just texting Max real quick." I lie because telling the truth would mean admitting that I'm actually ogling Kristen's Instagram pictures. Damn, I really wish Max had posted more pictures on Kristen's account but for the one will do. She looks so cute I just have to screenshot it.

"Well I don't care what you are doing." My mother retorts before grabbing my phone.

"Mom!" I can't believe she just took my phone. Well I can, this is my mother after all.

"No phones at the dinner table." She repeats and I roll my eyes at her. "You are acting strange these days. I always knew that Genesis child was a bad influence."

"Really mom?" I mumble as I play with my food.

"Yes! You even dyed your hair pink, without even asking me first!"

"You would have said no." And she's totally exaggerating because I just got highlights, you can still tell I'm blonde.

"With good reason!" She practically shouts.

"Good God Diane," My father finally says something, "So the girl changed her hair color, so what? It's not the end of the world."

My mother turns her attention to my father, her eyes sharp. "Did you know about this?"

My dad sighs. "Of course not, she wasn't like this this morning when I drove to school. It's not even a big deal."

"It is a big deal. I don't want her to become to rebellious teenager overnight. Today it's dying her hair, tomorrow it's joining a cult and before we know it she's becoming a drug addict!"

I choke on my drink as soon as the words 'drug addict' leave her mouth. Oh God, if only she knew. Jeez, is my mother really that out of touch. It's sort of ironic that she would say that and hilarious too!

"Honey are you okay?" My father asks, his voice filled with worry.

I hold out my hand to stop him from rubbing my back. "I'm fine, wrong pipe."

"Just chew slowly, okay." My dad says as my mom sighs whilest shaking her head.

"I think I'm going to go to my room now, if that's okay."

"Yes yes, you can go." My dad but of course my mother is not that cool.

"You didn't even touch your food."

She's always on my case about food. It's a losing battle but she never gives up. "That's cool, I will eat something at Max's house." I tell her as I grab my phone.

"Wait, you are going out?"

"I'm sleeping over at Max's house tonight." It's a little white lie because we are going to Nick's party but I'm not sure about where we are going to sleep. "I asked dad this morning and he said it was okay."

"You said that?" Now it's my dad who's in trouble with my mom, but he can handle her, I mean they have been married for this long.

My dad clears his throat. "Yes. It's just a sleepover, plus it's Friday."

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