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"Dont you think he at least should give an explanation?" I heard Minho say, talking to the others. 

"Jeongin sure is acting like he's fine, but really I can tell that he's hurting."

"Guys," I walked in. "I'm fine, really!"


"Hey." I put a hand on Seungkin's shoulder. "I'm okay."

"Are you really?" Minho asked in a soft voice, and I cracked. 

"No. No, I'm sorry! I've been lying. Truthfully, I miss him. Is that bad? We only slept together... and he kissed me, and took me on cute dates. Dammit, hyungs! I wish this didnt happen. Wouldnt everything be better if I hadnt met Chan?"

"Aw Jeongin," Changbin hugged me and I quietly sobbed into his shoulder. "This really shouldnt have happened to you. Maybe we should let him give an explanation."

"What kind of explanation would I even get? That I wasnt good enough? That he really didnt like me?"

"Yang Jeongin! Table four."

I sighed, pulling away from Changbin. 

"Yes, sir."

I walked to the table. 

"Is my order finally ready to speak to me?" I heard Chan's voice and I looked down. "You've been crying. Please, what's wrong, beautiful?"

"You dont know?" I asked and he shook his head. 

"I've been trying to figure out for three days, why you're upset with me. I miss you."

"Do you miss me or do you miss the sexual actions?" I sighed, walking off. Someone else could take care of his table. 

I felt someone grab my arm and I was pulled to Chan's chest.

"You. I miss you. I dont give a shit about the sex right now, Jeongin. I miss you. I miss having you in my arms. I miss just talking to you."

I put my head against his chest as he hugged me. 

"Then why? Why was she on your lap?"

"That's what this is about?" He chuckled slightly, kissing my forehead. "That girl is Mina, an old partner of mine. All she did was try to seduce me, but I told her I didnt want to do anything. We didnt have sex or anything. She respected my decision."

"Then why were you smiling?"

"I get awkward and smile too, Jeongin."


"Listen. I know we arent together together. But I still wouldnt do that to you. I care about you, Yang Jeongin. I really do."

I slightly smiled, hugging him back. 

"Jeongin? Baby?" I heard another voice that made me tense up.

"Oh seriously? You again?"

Daddy / / JeongChan 18+Where stories live. Discover now