Chapter 4

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Soon it was ten o'clock meaning it was bedtime for Hadrian. Hadrian then did his nightly routine of taking a quick shower and getting dressed in some comfy black lace underwear and green silk pyjamas with white lining. It consisted of a long sleeve top and a pair of shorts. He had long chocolate brown hair that went to his mid-thigh, brushing it out he did a french braid and finally crawled into bed for the night.

Throughout the night Hadrian woke up once due to a nightmare but quickly fell back to sleep after talking to Dobby for a bit. This time he woke up to get ready for the day, today was his birthday and fortunately for him it was Charles's birthday too meaning that his godparents could visit.

His godmother being Minerva McGonagall and his godfathers being Sirius and Remus Black. He loved his godparents; they always brought him presents and talked to him, sometimes even teaching him some magic before they had to go.

Hadrian got up and got showered and dressed in a white cropped hoodie, leggings, and flat white pumps. He decided to just brush his hair then leave it alone for now. He could get dressed in normal day clothes later on.

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