chapter 17

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When they arrived back at Hogwarts Severus took Hadrian back to the dorms and dressed him in a plain purple nightdress with a simple flick of his wand and left him in his dorm, to sleep.

A little after midnight Hadrian woke up in tears with Draco shaking him, and it turned out he had been screaming in his sleep. Draco asked what the dream was about and so Hadrian told him. It was a flashback about that day when his parents forgot him in Diagon alley when he was nine. He had gotten lost and ended up getting pulled into an alley.

That day he was raped, the three men who did it to his left him in that alleyway bruised, bloody and naked. This was two years ago now but the pain and shame he felt is something he never forgot.

Draco was astounded by what happened to him in the span of his short life and promised to protect him and do whatever he could to make sure he was happy. He deserved it after all this suffering and every Slytherin would agree with him, he was their little snakelet after all.

The next morning Hadrian woke up in Draco's arms, at first, he was confused about why he was here but then he remembered what happened yesterday. Slowly he snuggled back into Draco burying his face deeper in Draco's chest as he calmed down.

Draco had been awake this whole time and knew what was happening, so he pulled Hadrian closer to him and held him closer to him as he knew for some reason that it gave him comfort. Quietly, Draco whispered a soft good morning, Hadrian started to panic and cry a little thinking Draco would be mad at him. Draco noticed what was happening and sat up pulling Hadrian onto his lap and holding him in a tight and reassuring embrace. Soon Hadrian was calm again and the two went to get dressed.

He chose a simple outfit for the day. He wore a back shirt with a red tiger on it and grey denim shorts. Next, he put on his white ankle socks and his grey trainers. To finish off he put his hair in a cute french braid then finished with his moon necklace. Suddenly there was a knock on the door knowing it was Draco as Draco told him he would come get him when he was ready to go.

Quickly picking up his bag and putting his book about his creature inheritance in it he walked out, and he and Draco walked off to the great hall for some breakfast. When they sat down with Blaise, Pansy, Luna, and Neville they all started to have conversations with each other just waiting till they had to go to classes when Blaise asked Hadrian why he always wore that moon necklace.

Hadrian was shocked by the questions but told him @anyway "It was a Christmas present from my godfather." they all thought it was sweet how much he cared for his godfather.

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