Chapter 47

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Episode 12, The Western Air Temple

"Yeah, what did Toph mean with boyfriend?" Aang nodded his head, eying me.

Avoiding eye contact, I scratched my neck and smiled innocently. "You see, I dated Zuko a few months ago."

"What?!" Sokka threw his arms in the air as his jaw dropped while Aang just froze.

I nodded. "Yeah, surprise," I awkwardly smiled and made jazz hands.

"Why would you do that?!" Sokka yelled and shook my shoulders.

"Well, I don't know. I mean, no one asks you why you like Suki," I mumbled still avoiding eye contact with my brother.

Sokka immediately let go of me and turned his back to me. "She was brain washed in Ba Sing Se. No, I know, she was brain washed while she had been kidnapped," he told the others before looking at me again. "What did he do to you while he had you in his custody?"

My eyes went wide and I quickly shook my head, "Nothing. He did nothing."

"Sokka stop," Katara called out from beside Toph, "She did a mistake, but it's over now."

"You were with him in Ba Sing Se the whole time," Aang stated and I looked away. 

"Why would you do that?" Sokka asked, his voice sad, "You should've told us."

"No," I said and balled my fists, "You would have stopped trusting me and would've kicked me out or something. You would've- you would've hated me!"

My fists warmed up as Sokka's face softened, "I would never hate you, you're my sister Jasmine."

Aang also came closer to me "We don't hate you. We're just looking out for you. He can't be trusted even you have to see it after what happened to Toph," he slowly said and pointed at Toph.

I let out a groan and put my hands on my head before throwing them back to the sides as fire came out of them. I turned my back to them not wanting them to see that my eyes watered.

"For the 10th time. He's not that bad!" I yelled out and clenched my jaw. "Well, he wasn't. But why is everyone trying to tell me he is bad. I know what happened in Ba Sing Se. I'm not blind!" 

"No offence," I added mumbling.

"Non taken," Toph shrugged it off. They were silent for a few moments while I tried to calm down.

"You don't need to convince me that he's bad. I try to do that everyday, but I somehow have a feeling that he was genuine and sincere this time. And don't you dare say 'that's because you like him' or something!"

No one replied to my outburst. Instead, the pillars right behind the fountain which were right on the edge of the platform exploded.

The whole platform trembled and I stumble forward. A few centimetres more and I would've falled over the edge. With wide eyes I looked into the chasm and watched rocks fall down.

Someone grabbed my arm and dragged me away before I could fall over the edge.

"Stop!" Zuko's voice reached us and I quickly looked over my shoulder.

On another building opposite from us, Zuko and Combustion Man were looking at each other.

"What is he doing? Has he a death wish?" I mumbled as Sokka dragged me behind a wall as Katara and Aang carried Toph. They put her down before we all peeked out behind the wall.

"I don't want you hunting the Avatar anymore," Zuko shouted and walked towards Combustion Man. "The mission is off!" Zuko stood in front of him, waving his hands in front of his face, "I'm ordering you to stop."

𝐆𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 [ᴢᴜᴋᴏ]Where stories live. Discover now