Chapter 14

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I knew the moment that I started to wake up that something was wrong. Embry wasn't next to me. I bolted straight up and looked around. I started panicking.

"Emmbry?!" I yelled, my panic clear.

"Shhh, baby, I'm here," said Embry, rushing into the room.

I sighed, relieved. I don't know why I panicked, but since the flood of Cody memories came back, I felt like I was there again, alone and frightened.

"I made you breakfast," he smiled.

I smiled back at him and followed him to the kitchen. He had pancakes, eggs and bacon set out for me. Even remember how I liked my pancakes, with peanut butter, syrup, and confectionary sugar on top. I ate them like I hadn't ate in years. They tasted good and I smiled at Embry.

"Thank you."

"Britney!" yelled someone outside my door. "Tell Embry to let me in now! I'm only half-vampire you know!"

"Embry!" I scowled at him. I moved to the front door to let Renesmee in.

"I won't do that," warned Embry. "She wants to go shopping."

I haulted. I don't like shopping. I stared at Embry, waiting for him to crack or something, telling me it was a joke. But he was serious. I let Renesmee in, looking at her wryly.

"So, to celebrate you getting engage, I wanna go shopping," said Renesmee hugging me.

I groaned. "But I hate shopping."

She released me and went to go sit on my couch. I joined her while Embry started to clean up breakfast.

"God, what is with you and Mom? What is so wrong about going shopping?"

I looked down at my engagement ring. I knew shopping had to be done for the wedding. It was hard not to, but I always figured that I could send Alice and Renesmee to go do it for me, knowing they would be thrilled to help me out.

She hates shopping, I hope that she does, it will help me set... Shit... Embry thoughts automatically went to wedding bells.

"Embry, you set her up for this didn't you?" I frowned.

"Maybe," he whispered.

"But, I do want to hang out," interrupted Renesmee.

"Nes, we do all the time. Whenever the boys are off patrolling. And I do understand that I am engaged, but I hate shopping. At least let us set a date first!"

She huffed. Glad that I can tell Jake that we can hang out today. He will be thrilled.

"Nessie, go home," I whispered, hurt that she wouldn't even try to filter her thoughts.



She half-smiled and walked out.

 "Baby," Embry frowned, "what happened."

"Renesmee only hangs out with me because Jake is gone for patrolling with you. But she rather just be with him."

"You have a family that loves you. And me. You just have to give her time. She hasn't been in love before this, and she wants to experience it in its entiredy."

"I know."

Embry came to sit next to me, a smiled on his face. "So, when do you want to get married?"

I thought about it. I wanted it to be somewhere sunny and warm. Though I loved the thought of having a wedding like Bella's and Edward's, that's their wedding. Since we can't have it on the beach at First Beach, maybe there was a way to get the family down over to my meadow. But when? I don't want to wait long.

"How about in July? It'll be warmer and the human family can join, like Charlie and Renee," I offered.

"That sounds good, but I don't want it to be close to Fourth of July, my family does a big thing."

There was a moment of silence. I have seen his parents in passing, and they seemed to be good people, but with Embry always patrolling, I never actually got a chance to talk them. Before Embry and I stopped talking, I was over his house every day. His parents liked me. I even wondered if they knew that he Imprinted on me.

"How are your parents?" I asked. "Maybe we should visit them, tell them the good news."

Embry looked uncomfortable. "There has been a reason that I don't bring them up. They don't approve of me being with you." He stopped talking for a moment. I looked down at his hands, they were shaking. I grabbed his hands and smiled at him encouragingly. He smiled back and continued. "Since you are half-vampire, they don't think that you are good enough for me."

I took a minute to let it sink in. "Well, thn. Maybe we shouldn't. Did you tell them that you were getting married?"

"Yes, and they were not happy. I mean, they were happy that I was getting married, but not happy about it being to you. I told them that they had to be nice, that one day we would have children, and that I really wanted them to be in their lives, but they wouldn't have any of it."

"How about this, then." I hated having to suggest this. They were his parents, they should be supportive no matter what. "We send them an invitation, and if they show up, they do. We will be happy. If they don't, we'll deal wit it afterwards. I highly doubt that they won't show up. They love you too much."

He frowned. I just hoped that he didn't think I cared.

"OK. I just wish I could change their minds."

"Me, too."

We sat there, hands intertwined. I couldn't help but think this is exactly where I wanted to be. Suddenly, I heard my phone ringing from the bedroom. I raced to answer it, not bothering to look at the Caller ID.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Well, I almost expected Embry to answer," said an familar voice.

No, he was supposed to be dead.

"What? Don't remember your favorite person?" asked Cody.

Embry came into the room. When he saw my horrifed face, he growled. 

"Tell you dog to shut up. Now, I want you. NOW! We have unfinished business."

Suddenly there was a crashin the kitchen. Embry ran toward it, with me following. Jared and Paul were unconscious on the floor. Cody stood above them, smirking. 

"Sleeping doggy," he growled.

He ran up to Embry. Embry phased and swipped a paw toward him. Cody moved quickly out of the way.

Go into the bedroom! Ordered Embry in his thoughts. I ran toward the bedroom.

"Oh no you don't!" snapped Cody. He blew something powdery into Embry's face, and Embry dropped. He was lying on top of Paul, unconscious.

"Embry!" I screamed. 

Cody grabbed my arm and blew some more of the powder into my face. I fought the fog, but quickly lost.

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