Chapter 10

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Today was the day. The day Embry and I finally got to move into my house in our meadow. Carlisle, Emmett, Jasper, and Edward helped Embry move everything in. When I asked why I couldn't help, they said it was because they didn't know where anything went. As a result, I helped them by directing where all the furniture went. By the end of the weekend, Embry and I had a house to call our own. Embry was so excited when I asked him to move in with me. I don't think he could have said yes faster. 

We walked in to the house and sighed. 

"Babe, you did an amazing job," Embry complimented me. "How did you decide to design it this way?" 

"Well, I want it to be a family house and since I someday want to have kids, I made the master bedroom down here," I pointed to the door to the right, "and created three extra rooms upstairs." 

"You want three kids?" 

"Yes, two boys and one girl." 

"How did I ever get so luckily to have a woman who wants a big family?" 

"I don't know," I smiled. 

I kissed him. Within seconds, it turned hot. We both heard the door open and we broke apart. 

"Not even an hour into the house, and you want to jump each others bones," laughed Jacob. 

"Jacob, this is NOT your house. Now, go back outside and knock like a normal person on this planet," I growled. 

Knowing I wasn't joking, he did what I said. I let him back in with a smile, and a threat that said if he came in without knocking, and someone wasn't in trouble, he was going to know what it felt like to have his balls cut off. Embry laughed and kissed my cheek. 

"I'm going to get ready," he smiled. 

"Ready for what?" I asked. 

"You'll see. You need to get ready too. Renesmee will help you." 

Renesmee knocked at the already open door. 

"See, she knows how to knock." 

Within an hour, I was in a pale blue dress with my hair in curls, heading out to First Beach with Embry. No mater how many times I asked, he would not tell me what was going on. 

"Come on babe!" I exclaimed, frustrated. We had only just arrived to the beach. "What is so important I couldn't stay home?" 

"Trust me," he half-smiled. "You'll love it." 

We walked down to where we first met. Jake wanted me to meet the rest of the pack, not knowing that I already met Embry, I said my hi's excitedly. I was still fairly new, and meeting new people that I knew I wouldn't kill made me happy. This was also the day my crush on Embry started. I remembered how we became friends the very same day. It was also in this spot I learned that he had asked out Leah.  

On the beach, there was a blanket laid out with food and a small note. 

"Go ahead, babe," smiled Embry sitting down on the blanket, "You can read it." 

I grabbed the note, and froze. No way was this happening. It read:  

To my one and only, 

I know it's only been a short few months, but I know even without the Imprint, I am madly in love with you. It is today, the day we finally move in together, that I ask you to be my wife. Now look up. 

I looked up and saw Embry down on one knee and a ring in his hand. 

"Will you do me the honor of marrying me Ms. Swan?" he asked. 

"Yes!" I practically screamed. 

He placed the ring on my finger and I kissed him. I can't believe he wants to marry me! Me, after everything, he still wants to be with me. I smiled at him. 

"I love you," I whispered to him. 

"I love you too, future Mrs. Call," he smiled. 

The rest of the night was spent eating and talking about the house and how someday, we would have kids to fill the rooms. Embry was so excited to get our life together, and I shared his excitement. Jacob and Renesmee joined right before we packed up to leave. Renesmee teasing me about knowing about the proposal a month ahead of time. I explained to her that I didn't care, now that I know that one day, we will man and wife.  

"We finally set a date," said Nessie. 

"Really when?" replied Embry, who was holding the picnic basket and holding my hand. 

We stopped in front of the car and she smiled. "August 29th," Jacob smiled. 

"But that is only two weeks away," I frowned. 

"Well most everything was done," smiled Nessie. "Everyone has their dresses, food is being made by grandmom and Emily. All there was to do is set the date." 

"Where is it going to be?" 

"Right here on the beach. Sam already said it was ok, but only for us. He knew about Embry proposing to you." 

"Well I would have wanted it outside our house anyways. It's a lot easier." 

"Same here," agreed Embry. 

"Well looks like one thing is out of the way." 

We laughed and said our goodbyes. After we went home, we made love for the first time. What Embry didn't know was that I was completely human. Even if he did know, he didn't show that he cared.

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