Chapter 18- Embry POV

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So I have decided to do a chapter in Embry's point of view. We all know how Britney is happy with the wedding but what about Embry? Read and find out!

"So green and purple, huh?" I asked. Brit and I were sitting in our room with the wedding planner book that we just bought.

"Yeah, unless you don't like them," she rushed.

"I like green, but why not blue? I mean if you get my eyes, I want yours."

She blushed. I can't believe this girl actually wants to marry me. When I asked, I was afraid that she would say it was too soon, that she wasn't ready to move forward. My words to her were true, even without the Imprint, I know deep inside that she is the one for me. 

"Agreed," Brit gave in. "Green and blue. Now, what about the cake? One cake isn't going to do it for the packs."

"I was thinking two cakes. One for us to cut, then one for each pack. If they complain, too bad for them. Maybe Emily can make them."

"I'm sure Emily has enough on her plate with Renesmee's wedding. I was thinking maybe Edward would help? He is a good cook for being a vampire. He made Bella's meals on their honeymoon."

"That sounds good, but he may need help."

"I'm sure Bella or Rosalie would love to help."

I stared at her for a minute. She knew exactly what needed to go into the wedding, while I was making things up as I go. All I know is who my best man was going to be. I wonder who she was going to ask to be her maid-of-honor.

"I wish Ashley was here," Britney said softly, looking down at the book. "She was going to be the maid-of-honor before everything happened. Now I don't know who to ask."

I tilted her head up and smiled. "You know who to ask, but you don't want to."

"Who, Bella? I don't know. She is my sister, but she didn't even plan her own wedding."

"That may be true but she is planning her vow ceremony. Alice has been angry that she can't help."

"How is it that you know more about my family then I do?"

"You hear a lot when you work with them. You've been a little, excuse the pun, tied up lately." That made her laugh. "Why don't be go see them and ask Bella. We can get Alice a job by decorating."

"As long as she doesn't replicate Bella and Edward's wedding, I'm all in. Let me just take a shower and get dressed first."

I kissed her gently and let her go. As much as I would love to take a shower with her, I knew that if I did, we would never come out. I went out to the kitchen and took out some chicken to de-thaw while we were gone. Britney came out twenty miinutes later with a strapless pale blue dress and some white flip flops.

"Babe, you look gorgeous, like usual," I complemented her.

"Thanks, babe," she blushed.

Taking her hand, I led her to the mansion. As we neared the house, we saw Charlie's cruiser in the drive way.

"Did we tell your dad that you were getting married?" I asked.

"No, but while he is here," she said. She tightened her grip on me. Charlie knew that I was part of Jake's pack. I wondered to myself how he would take it. It was bad enough his granddaughter was marrying a werewolf.

"Hopefully he will be happy, just like the way he was with Renesmee," smiled Britney, answering my thoughts.

I kissed her lightly and opened the door to the house for her. She giggle and bowed a little for me. 

"Always the gentleman," she murmured. "Charlie?"

"In the living room," he yelled throughout the house.

We walked through and I could sense Britney's panic. She was scared that he wouldn't approve.

"Hey dad," she hugged him hard and kissed his cheek. "How are you?"

"I'm good. Just came to see my daughters and my granddaughter. How are you?" Charlie shook my hand.

"Couldn't be happier. Can we talk?"

"Sure, honey."

Britney gave me a reassuring squeeze and led Charlie to the kitchen.

Waiting for an answer was nerve-racking.

"What the hell?! What is it with boys not asking for my approval first!" Charlie yelled from the kitchen.

"Yeah, Edward," I joked, elbowing him lightly on his side. "Why not?"

He laughed and I joined my soon-to-be wife in the kitchen.

"Embry," Charlie started as I walked through the doorway. "though I hate that you didn't ask, I do approve my this daughter's taste in guys. I know that you can protect her."

I frowned. Only if you knew what has happened, how I let a idiotic, rapist take your daughter and do horrible stuff to her. In the corner of my eye, I knew Britney heard my thoughts. She was pissed.

"We will talk about that later," she mumbled where only I could hear. Fuck... "I'm glad you do dad. We got a date. It's going to be in July 30th of next year."

"Glad I have time to spend before my last daughter is taken," he smiled. "Alice made the impossible happen and I barely had time to spend with Bella."

"Well then you will be happy to know that I'm in no big rush."

"Your a horrible liar," Charlie laughed. "But thanks for making me feel better. I got to go. Sue is waiting for me at home. Come by the house some day Kiddo. We would love to have you guys for dinner."

"Count on it," Britney smiled.

I walked Charlie out as Britney went to go find Bella. We talked about dinner and we made plans for the following week.

"Take care of her," said Charlie before pulling out. "Something tells me that after this wedding, something unexpected will happen. Not necessarily bad, but she will need you."

Not knowing what he was talking about, I nodded and promised that no matter what, I would be there for her.

I want comments! Lol. Please vote and pass the story along. Thank you to the dedicated followers on this story. I will be posting a Doctor Who fanfiction if anyone is interested in reading it.

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