Chapter 6

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It's been a whole week and Joe hasn't even called me. Whenever I call him, I get some lame excuse that he's out and left his phone. I planned on seeing him today; see what's up with him. My gut was telling to stay away, so naturally that means Bella and Edward. I told them what happened. They knew about my previous crush on Embry, and knew I some what had one now. But they also knew I loved Joe for him, not because I'm trying to get over some stupid werewolf. 

I was walking in my meadow that I found a couple of months ago. I started to build house for myself in the middle of the clearing. The meadow had a waterfall and beautiful, green grass. It almost soothed me if I wasn't so worried about Joe. Suddenly, I heard a noise by the lining of the trees. I got in a crouch and bared my teeth. Embry broke out of the trees. 

"Whoa, if I knew that I'll get growled at when I told you, I would have never came," he said weakly joking. He was stepping towards me. 

"Tell me what?" I asked, curiosity filling my voice. Honestly, I really wasn't in the mood for bad news. 

"Well, remember the day that you turned, and you said that you smell something like wet dog?" 

"Yeah, then I realized it Jake." Jake had bought the story and came to see me awaken. He smelled awful at first then just perfect. "What about it?" 

"It wasn't Jake, it was me. Making sure you didn't die." 

"Why would you care?" 

"Because I've Imprinted on you," whispered Embry. By this time, Embry was right in front of me, looking into my eyes. 

I stared at him. But I'm a vampire! He wanted to risk that. No, Britney! Remember Joe, you know, the one you love? See here's the thing I didn't tell you. I forgot about Joe as soon as Embry entered the field. Embry always made me feel safe. Explains why he growled when I kissed a Joe. But I thought because I was showing off! 

"Ex-explain," I studdered. 

"Well," he began backing away a step, "I saw when you were turned. All the wolves knew that Edward had turned you, Jake granted permission. Carlisle took your blood to do a back-round check on you.. We made the Volturi lie for you so we could tell others the same thing. Also, to protect you from other people." 

All my feeling for Joe were turning toward Embry. I always felt some connection between us, but when I'd ask, it was always "Cause we're best friends!" When we stopped being friends, I still felt that connection. I guess my love for Joe, was exactly for Embry. I understood why, but why did he lie to me? 

"Why did you lie about the connection?" I asked. 

"Because Edward, Bella, and Jake wanted you to make the choice; not to feel obligated to date me because of it. Once I heard what you said yesterday, I told all of them that no matter what they said, I was telling you today. Jake accepted this, but Bella, and Edward were wry." 

"Ok, I'll admit it, I never stopped liking you, but the love for Joe, I think it is real. I can't hurt him." 

"No need to." 

I turned around and there was Joe. Standing behind him, holding his hand, was Taylor Swift. I felt shocked that this was what he was doing all this week, cheating on me. 

"We are over," Joe said simply. "Should have been done the day you told me, but I couldn't hurt you. Until yesterday, you said everything about Embry. I believe you, but I come first. We've been dating since the meeting." 

"What?" I asked, starting to dry so. "Why?" 

"Because I'm better than you," Taylor said smugly. 

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