Chapter 4

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Joe was so happy that I was thinking about talking to the wolves. He said he really wanted this. I had to tell him not to keep his hopes up, and that we already did this once, probably won't happen again. 

I met Jacob and Sam in the clearing. I told them everything about Joe and me. When I asked them about me turning him, they said they had to think about it. Being polite, I said I was sorry for bothering them about this. 

"If I have to, I'll make my own treaty with you," I told them. 

I called Joe when I got home and told everyone else what they had said. He wasn't so keen on the idea of waiting, but he was happy about a possibility of become like me. Of course, I had to remind him not to keep his hopes up. I said good bye and smiled to myself. 

I looked at the clock and it said 8 o'clock. I decided to be like Edward and see what Joe was like when he slept. When I arrived at his house, it was midnight. I climbed up into his window. He and his brothers all shared a room, that was the only down fall. I sat next to the bed and just watched him. It turned out him and Bella had a lot in common. How you ask? By talking in his sleep. 

"Britney," he moaned. 

I smiled to myself. He was dreaming about me. I had the urge to giggle. I tried to suppress it, but it slipped out really loud. Joe woke up. I ran human speed to the window (there was so much stuff cluttered in their room, I thought I was going to brake something), but Joe caught me when I finally got to the window. 

"What are you doing here?" he asked. 

"I'm sorry. I wanted to see what you were like in your sleep. Got the idea from Edward," I whispered to him. I looked out the window to start making my jump. 

"Don't you dare think about leaving," he whispered yelled. "I know I talk in my sleep. Tell me what I said." 

I made my way back to his bed, but instead of sitting beside it, I laid down beside him. "All you said was my name. Well more like moaned my name." 

"Good, nothing embarrassing," he sighed in relief. 

"Glad your happy," I kissed him. 

The kiss lasted for 2 minutes and I was enjoying myself until I remembered that he was human and we couldn't go too far. I pulled back and sighed. He put his arm around me and smiled, acting like he's all that. I giggled and remembered another thing. I had to talk to him about the whole vampire situation. 

"Listen, Joe, I need to talk to you about vampires and being one." 

"I'm all ears," smiled Joe. 

"Good. Well, vampires are different from the movies you've seen, as I have shown you. For example, we sparkle instead of bursting into flames. Also, my family hunts animals. Since we do, we have golden eyes instead of red eyes. Carlisle started all of that. He didn't believe in hunting humans while animals were there. We value human life. I believe that we all should hunt animals. 

"As you have learned, Edward also can read minds, but we are not the only ones in our family that has these... gifts. Alice can see the future, but it's all based on decisions that affect her or someone she's attuned to. Jasper can change the emotions around him to anything he wants. Also, he can feel what you're feeling so you can't get much past him. Bella, well she's has shield-" 

"No she doesn't," interrupted Joe. 

"It's completely mental. What that means is that no one can read her mind or force images inside her head. She can stretch it, too. It's gets on Edward's nerves all the time when she's in her thoughtful mood." 

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