Chapter 17

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Crying didn't help. I thought that once I finally allowed myself to cry, without stopping for others, I would feel better. I lied to myself. I should have known that the ache would still be there, that all I would feel afterwards was loneliness. I wiped my tears and sat up. Putting my hand on the pillow, I realized it was wet. I laughed.

"Only I would worry about a wet pillow," I said to myself.

I took off the pillow case and threw it in the dryer. Going into the kitchen, I looked at the clock. Realizing that it was almost 6 at night, I quickly started to make some dinner. Wanting to make something quick and easy, I grabbed some bread, cheese, butter, and tomato soup and starting preparing some grilled cheese.

"Hey babe," said someone behind me.

I jumped. "Hey to you too."

I didn't look at him, knowing that if I did, he would instantly be able to tell that I had been crying. Unfortunately, he knew without looking. I started looking for a pan and a skillet.

"You have been crying, haven't you?" Embry asked. There was a few moments of silence.

"How did you know?" I whispered.

"You won't look at me."

Gently, he put a finger on my chin and moved my head to wear I was looking at him.

"Baby, why were you crying?"

"With everything going on, I just had to let go." I cast my eyes downward, embarrassed of the truth. "I couldn't do that in front of you. I don't like the feeling of being weak. Not after everything I went through."

"Babe, you allowed to feel weak sometimes, especially with me. That is how a marriage works."

I looked into his eyes. I could tell he was worried about me. I turned around and put the pans on the stove. 

"Let me do that," Embry suggested. "Why don't you go pick a movie? I'll pop some popcorn as well so we can snack afterwards."

I smiled. "Thank you, babe. I don't know what I would do without you."

I went to the living room and started up the Xbox. After signing in, I picked the Netflix app and stated browsing through titles.

"What kind of movie do you want to watch? Or do you finally want to catch up on Orange is the New Black?"

"Orange is the New Black!" Embry replied quickly.

I giggled and hit the tile and started the show.

"Don't you dare start it without me!" he yelled.

Giggling again, I pressed pause and waited. "Hurry up then!"

"Tomato soup can only warm up so fast Brit," he grumbled.

Smiling, I went to go grab a pillow and a blanket. I put the pillow on the corner. Embry cam in and sat down. Handing me my food, he quickly got comfortable. I hit play on the remote and started eating. Embry made me two sandwiches and I quickly devoured them.

"Damn babe! Were you hungry?" Embry laughed.

"I little," I mumbled, starting on my soup.

Once one episode finished, I asked Embry to grab me a drink while putting dishes in the dish washer.

As we sat back down, I decided it was time to talk about the wedding.

"So, I think it's time we start making wedding plans," I smiled. "We decided on July, but not a specific date."

"Maybe we should do it toward the end of the month, like the 30th?"

"That sounds good. What about colors? I was thinking Green and Purple."

"Why those colors?"

I blushed. "They are my favorite colors. Especially green, because they are the color of your eyes. They calm me when no one else can."

It was Embry's turn to blush. He kissed me softly. he slowly started to push away, not sure if I could take anymore. I quickly grabbed his shirt and pulled him into me. Getting lost in the passion, he laid me back, supporting himself on his elbows. I tugged on his shirt.

"Are you sure, babe?" We hadn't had sex since the kidnapping. I smiled sweetly to him, biting my lip, and whispered a breathy yes. "Then more wedding later, I need you."

I felt his erection against my core and moaned. From there, we made love again.

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