Chapter 11

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The next day was peaceful and rainy. The only bad part was Embry was patrolling all day while Jake was home with Renesmee. It didn't seem like Jake cared about our relationship, and it was getting annoying. I almost brought it up, but remembered that it would just cause more problems. As I waited for Embry to come home, I read the newest chapter of GrowingUp. It was a book that I found on a site called Wattpad that writers could write their own stories and publish them here. I just pulled out my tablet when I heard someone knock on my door.

"Come in," I muttered, knowing whoever was out there would hear. Jake came in with a half-smile.

"Just to let you know, Embry is doing a double shift," he muttered.

I fumed. I was gonna kill him. It was bad enough he was keeping Emvbry with away from me, but making Embry do a double when he has been patrolling all day with nothing to eat is just wrong.

"I thought he was supposed to have nights off!" I defended.

"Renesmee needs me tonight. I'm sorry."

"Why not have Quill or Leah do it? They haven't patrolled in two weeks!"

"Because I'm alpha and what I say goes. Sorry Britney, but our safety comes first before our relationships."

I punched him. Hard. I heard his nose crack and I drew back to hit him again. This time Edward was there to hold me back.

"What is going on up here?" Edward asked.

I explained to him what was happening and how I believed that Jake really hated the fact that Embry and I were together. Edward pushed me away as he made a grab for Jake. He threw him out and started to yell at him. I tuned them out as I tried to calm down. Embry and I were supposed to talk about what we wanted from each other and to see if our relationship was really going to work. I was scared shitless that my uniqueness would one day put us in danger. It was a fear I couldn't shake I wanted to make sure Embry knew about the possible dangers of being with me. We've been through big and small together, but I loved him, and wouldn't know what to do if someone hurt him because of me.

A few minutes later, I heard a wolf growl. I ran outside to see what the commotion was. Jake and Embry, in their wolf selves, we growling and circling each other. At the same time, Renesmee and I stepped in front of the two wolves, looking straight at our other halves.

"Do you know what's going on?" she asked me.

"I don't know. The last time I talked to Jake I was pissed that he was making Embry do a double shift."

"Why didn't he make Leah or Quill to do it?"

"You know, I asked that same question."

We both turned to Jake, who was finally getting why I was so upset. Jake and Embry went out and came back in their human forms, with only some jeans on.

"I told you Jake I couldn't do a double because of her and so you go off to her thinking she would be OK with it?" questioned Embry.

"Quill and Leah are dealing with something right now and they need their space," Jake responded.

"So what if they imprinted on each other and just now realizing it. Doesn't mean they can't patrol," said Renesmee forcibly.

"What?" said a confused crowd, which I was a part of. Embry was against talking about the personal lives of the pack, besides Renesmee and Jacob, and that was only because they were my family. He belived that if they wanted me to know, they would tell me. All I got when I asked was how they were doing.

"Quill thought he imprinted on Claire but he realized that he really imprinted on Leah. Leah knew, but wanted him to find out my himself. So, they are working through why he still felt that way about Claire."

I nodded. That makes sense, but still doesn't mean they can't help out in these situations. We all have loved ones, doesn't mean we can't stopping taking care of our responsibilities because of it. I voiced this to Jake, who got the message. I thanked him.

"So since Embry has to do a double, I want him to be off the next couple of days. I love Renesmee, but I think even she can agree that a few hours without you will be ok," I said to Jake. Renesmee nodded in agreement. "Leah and Quil can work out everything while running. We all know that they aren't really doing much 'talking' anyway."

That earned a laugh and a grossed-out face from everyone. I kissed Embry good-bye and went back home.

SO, I had do redo some parts, realizing that I mixed up the chapters. I am working on the next chapter.

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