Chapter 9

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I sat there, staring at the brothers, wondering if I really wanted to know. They said I was a vampyre. What does that even mean? Damon would casually look at me while he talked to Carlisle quietly. Embry held my hand next to me. I was so glad that he was here. I don't know what I would do without him. Damon laughed out loud and then turned to me. 

"Why are you so nervous?" he asked. "You look like you're anxious and nervous at the same time." 

"Damon, be nice," demanded Elena. 

"Sorry," he smiled at her. He looked at mine and Embry's intertwined hands. He smirked. "Well, look what we have here. Does he know about you?" 

"Yes," I sneered. "Long before I knew; if you were wondering." 

"Well," interrupted Stefan. "First thing first; I was wondering if you knew if you are venomous or not." 

"I don't know. The only mammal I bit was an animal." 

"I could test it," piped Nessie. 

"Ness," frowned Jake. 

"It's ok. I have to go through it one day. It could be easier this way." 

"I'm not sure," said Bella and Edward wryly. 

"Renesmee, I love you, but you don't have to do this," I warned. 

"Oh gosh, I wanna. I'm an adult you all. I can make my own decisions." 

"OK." I trusted I could stop when I needed to. 

Renesmee came towards me and tilted her head. I stood up. Embry wrapped his arms aroundmy waist, assuring me he will be there if I needed him to be. I licked her vein. I felt it pulse. I felt my face tingle. Elena looked at me in amazement. I closed my eyes and bit. I felt the blood fill my body. Electric shot through me as I drank. I heard Renesmee part her lips. I told myself I had enough. I grew stiff as I fought to stop. Embry tugged me a little where I wouldn't hurt Nessie but give me the strength to stop. I pulled away and licked my lips. Carlisle came next to me with an open bag of blood. I guessed just incase I wanted more. I thanked him and drank it down. My thirst was gone and I ran vampire speed to throw the bag away and come back quickly. I looked at Renesmee. 

"You OK?" I asked. 

"Yeah, just a little dizzy," she smiled. 

"That's just a side effect," explained Stefan. "It looks like you didn't lick the wound. Jacob, would you mind if Elena licked it to clean it. It would help the healing process." 

Jacob looked at Elena. She's not a guy so I don't have to worry about taking advantage of her. But what about the blood? What if she just can't handle herself? 

I rolled my eyes. I walked over and held my breath. I licked Renesmee's wound and it healed immediately. 

"There," I said. 

"Thanks," Jacob smiled. I sat back down the couch next to Embry. I laid my head on his lap and sighed. I repeated in my head that I was OK and wouldn't hurt anyone. 10 seconds later, I was calmed down enough. But Damon was getting impatient. 

"Jasper?" I asked. 

Jasper calmed Damon down. Once he realized what happened, he shot me a glare. "You shouldn't have asked him to do that." 

"Well, I don't want my family hurt so I asked." 

"OK, what's next?" interrupted Edward. 

"Well, compulsion," smiled Elena. "I'll teach this one." I do it all the time to Damon without him even realizing it, though he always finds out in the end. It's so funny when he gets mad at me.  

I tried my very best not to laugh as she remembered the last time she did. Even Edward had a hard time. She caught on that we saw what she remembered. 

"So you're a mind reader, huh? Well that makes it even better. Now do as I say." She made Edward look straight into her eyes. He immediately looked dazed. "Now go to a room where some one is in and won't hear you, and block the door where not even a vampire can get out." Elena said it slowly. He repeated it back to her and did what he was told. 5 minutes later we heard Rosalie and Emmett yelling at Edward. Edward snapped out of his trance-like state and wondered what was going on. Alice, Elena, and I were on the floor laughing. We heard a crack in the door and then a boom. Next thing we saw was Emmett running after Edward and then tackling him. 

I starting to be afraid someone would get hurt. I yelled at Emmett to stop. He looked at me and I made him stay looking at me. Get up and move away from Edward. Emmett complied slowly to make I thought toward him. Now go up stairs and fix the door. Tell Rosalie that I'm sorry and I was practicing my powers. OK? 

"OK," he said out loud. He walked upstairs. I heard him tell Rosalie what a said. Rosalie didn't like it that well, but agreed to let it go. I let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding. 

"Nice," complemented Elena. 


"That just skips over the next lesson." 


"Does anyone know what time it is?" asked Stefan. 

"Yeah; 10:30." 

"Fuck," cursed Damon. "We're supposed to meet Bonnie in an hour." 

"Please, watch your mouth. Esme doesn't like cursing in her home," I told him sweetly. 

"Sorry." u

We said our good-bye's and watch them depart. For the rest of the day, Embry did patrol while I worked on my house, reflecting on everything. 

My house was almost done. The first floor was done and I was working on the second. I was in the middle of finishing the first guest bedroom when I realized it was getting dark. I walked human speed to the house. Today wasn't as bad I thought it would be. Good news all the way around and now I didn't have to wait that long to get answers if people are hiding things from me. No, I yelled at myself, not unless I have to. It's not right to take freewill from people. I got to the house to find, Embry on the porch waiting for me. 

"How's the house coming?" he smiled once I got to the steps. 

"Fine, I think you'll love it once I'm done with it," I smiled back. 

I kissed him quickly and went into the house. I knew that tonight I would be up all night so I suggested we watch a movie then head to bed. Embry agreed and fell asleep half way through. For the rest of the night, Edward taught me how to play the piano.

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