Chapter 10

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Livi unlocked the door, she expected to be home alone for a couple of hours. There was no need for her to go up into her room and cry so she could just play on her laptop. She opened the door and jumped. her parents were standing just beyond it, looking serious. She stared up at them, expecting them to smile and ask how her day had been. That didn't happen, they just stayed staring at her solemnly.

"We have to tell you something." Her Dad said breaking the silence.

"W-what is it?" She stammered, she was getting really nervous now.

"Me and your father are divorced. He was just leaving. You will go to his new house next week." Her mum said quietly

"Why didn't you warm me earlier? You didn't even tell me that you were getting divorced!" Livi said but then she realised that she had.

"Bye Livi." Her dad whispered and he pushed past her out of the door. She noticed that he had a suitcase.

Livis perfect day had gone from flawless to terrible. She had heard that after a high comes a low... but she didn't know it was this low.

Readers Note: Sorry its so short, i'm feeling a bit upset and I don't want to write any more about relationships at the moment. I'm just not up to it. So um... comment what you think and vote if you like it. Gee Xxx

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