
580 13 4

Date Published: March 06 2022

Date Revised: November 09 2022

Triggers: N/A

Word Count: 416

Classification: Mortal Instruments: Canon

Setting: end of City of Heavenly Fire just before Jocelyn and Luke's wedding.

Alec sat on the edge of Magnus' bed as the warlock rifled through his enormous wardrobe. Magnus, being an all powerful warlock, could try outfits in with a click of a finger, and still Alec had been sitting on the edge of the bed watching the minutes pass for what felt like forever.

"It is just a wedding Mags. All you need to wear is a suit" Alec said, flopping back on the bed.

"Tuttut Alexander" Magnus teased, shaking his head "You must know that there is always more to a suit than simply a suit"

Smiling, Alec rolled his eyes. "As we are going to be here all night while you decide what to wear, can I ask you s-something?" His voice wavered slightly and Magnus turned to him concerned.

"Of course Alexander. You may ask me anything"

"Why didn't you tell me Asmodeus was your father?" Alec asked carefully. "Did you not trust me?"

"Of course I trust you, I was just... ashamed. I thought you would think less of me. My father is one of the most evil Greater Demons to ever exist. I thought that if you knew you wouldn't be able to look at me. So instead of telling you I dragged you all over Europe on a mission to end a cult that worshipped my father and broke up with you. I thought you would hate me if you found out and I love you too much to lose you "

Alec stood up and walked over to Magnus and wrapped his arms around the warlock's waist, "Magnus. I love you and family doesn't change that. My father is a prick but he doesn't make me who I am. Neither does your father. You never have to be scared to tell me anything"

A smile creeped across Magnus' face.

Magnus sighed "I guess I should have known better. You are truly amazing Alexander and I will tell you everything from now on. Even the ugly. But I must warn you, you may not like what you find"

"There is nothing ugly about you Magnus. I love you and everything that comes with that, even an evil demon father" Alec said, slipping his hands from around Magnus' waist and cupping his face in his hands. He leaned in and kissed Magnus passionately. Magnus, his heart full, returned the kiss with passion. Alec pulled away and with a shy smile said "I think you should wear the red velvet suit and black bowtie."

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