Don't leave me

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Hey all, sorry if there are some holes in the story but I was unable to find a copy of any of The Dark Artifices including the last ones so I was going completely off memory.

Alec looked over at Magnus who was curled up in the bed with a mountain of blankets piled, wrapping him in a sort of cocoon. Even under the enormous pile of blankets Magnus shivered. Alec leaned over and gently planted a kiss on Magnus' cheek.

"Magnus you better not die" Magnus opened his eyes.

"I won't, my Alexander"

"Don't leave me," Alec said desperately.

"I won't, my Alexander" Magnus said more softly

"Daddy" a small voice said from the door. Alec turned around and saw his 3 year old warlock son leaning on the door frame with a wistful look on his face.

"Max, what are you doing here? I thought you were playing with Raphael" Alec asked kindly. He didn't want the kids to see Magnus so sick. He had brought him home for a little while but he knew soon he would be returning to the Los Angeles institute to meet Emma and the Blackthorn. He just didn't want there to be any bad last memories if things - things didn't get better. By the angel, he hoped they'd get better.

"No. He won't share. Daddy, is bapak going to get better?"

"Yes of course Maxy," Alec said, getting up, walking over to Max and ruffling his dark blueberry hair. "Everything will be alright. Why don't you back out with Raph and tell him I said if he doesn't share then there will be no training tomorrow."

Max nodded and ran off shouting "okay daddy." Alec felt his heart sink. He had just lied to his son. He really didn't know what would happen. His chest felt tight and his eyes burned.

"Alexander, come over here," a weak voice said. Alec hurried over and layed down facing Magnus.

"Yes Mags?"
"I won't leave you" he said, wiping a tear from Alec's face. "Not ever. Not truly"

"Alexander, I know we talked about this down in the living room but we need to talk about it again. Promise me you wouldn't do it. No matter what."

Alec looked around. "Magnus you don't have to worry I wouldn't do it. Never"

"Alexander you say that now but if it really came down to it how could you know? Just promise me that no matter what happens you won't take your life. Not if I die. Not if Max dies. Nothing. I've felt like that before but you will always have Raph to look after and I... I just don't want you sacrificing your life. I have lived so many lives. You get one."

Magnus suddenly broke into a violent coughing fit and Alec raced over to him. He rubbed Magnus' back and readjusted the blanket. "Mags you need to understand that in this alternate reality I had nobody. I didn't have Jace, I didn't have Isabelle, I didn't even have Clary. Most importantly I didn't have you or the kids. I had nothing and nobody to live for. Even if you die - which you better not or I will kill you - I would at the very least still have the lightwoods and Raph for a long time."

"I know. I know but-"

"No buts Magnus. You are my heart and if you die I know I'll never be the same again but I couldn't do that to Raph or to Max. Still don't die. Don't leave me" Alec said with a hint of desperation. Tears began to form. "I-I can't live without you Magnus. I won't let you die. I won't live without you." Alec let out a loud sobbing and buried his head in Magnus' chest. Magnus stroked Alec's hair softly. "I won't leave you Alexander, not if I can help it"

"That was one hell of a day, you do realise that two kids turned into giants and almost killed us. And these kids were Emma and Julian" Magnus said, flopping down on the couch in his Los Angeles room. He felt happy. Truly happy. He had just put the kids to sleep and he was here with his darling Alexander. He looked up and saw that Alec was crying.

"Alexander, what is wrong, my darling?" Magnus said, propping himself up on his elbows.

"Nothing" Alec said trying to wipe tears off his face "I'm fine"

Magnus stood up and wrapped his arms around Alec's waist "Something is wrong. You can tell me anything you know."

"It's just you almost died. You were dying and there was nothing I could do"

"Oh Alexander, I am fine. It all turned out okay and you did the best you could. You were there with me every minute of every day. I would ask for nothing more," Magnus said before planting a kiss on Alec's forehead.

"I know but-"

"No buts Alexander, I won't ever leave you. I told you. I love you too much." Alec nodded and leaned into Magnus' shoulder. 


"Yes my Alexander"

"I am really glad you didn't die"

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