Mpreg (Part 2)

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Only a couple days passed before the pains got so bad Alec couldn't walk. Magnus tried everything he could to help but nothing really worked. It was a few days after they got bad when Magnus walked into the room carrying a tray of coffee. Alec had eaten barely anything for days but coffee had seemed to be okay, it gave him energy at least.

"Mags" Alec groaned from under a pile of blankets

"Yes babe"

"Can you lay with me?"

"Of course darling"

"It hurts so much Magnus," Alec said burrowing his head in Magnus' chest

"I know, but it will be okay"

"My stomach feels like it's splitting in half"

Magnus kissed the top of Alec's head "you've battled demons and beat the most evil Shadowhunter of all time. You are so strong and you can do this"

"I love you so much Magnus" Alec said

"As I love you" Alec's shaking frame slowly drifted off into an uneasy sleep curled into Magnus' side.

When Alec awoke the next morning he felt... great. The burning in his stomach had calmed to a throb. Sore but bearable. He slipped out of the bed and into the kitchen, careful not to wake Magnus up. Today was going to be a great day

When Magnus woke up he reached out to a cold empty space.

"Alexander?" he called. When he got no answer he raced out into the kitchen to find his boyfriend cooking breakfast?

"Morning Mags"

"What are you doing?"

"I felt great so I decided to cook breakfast. You want to go over to Cat's later?"



"Magnus, Alec it is a pleasure"

"The pleasure is ours," Alec said, flopping down onto the couch. Magnus tentatively took a seat next to him.

"Alright so I am going to explain what I have found out about male pregnancies and what to expect. So your womb is fully formed now so the pregnancy can begin. During an intense love match, normally stimulated by a marriage rune but very rarely otherwise, a temporary set of ovaries is formed containing about 15-20 eggs. There is also a temporary passage, accessible through the anal canal. They usually show up in both parties however warlocks are unable to conceive so I doubt this happened in your case. The womb doesn't form unless the egg is fertilised. They eggs are released during sexual activity and if they are not fertilised then the body destroys and absorbs the egg. I was correct in saying this was to ensure continuation of Shadowhunter bloodline so it is most likely that the child will inherit mainly Shadowhunter qualities but I really don't know. There aren't many warlock/Shadowhunter pregnancies, by that I mean none. When you formed your womb you were moving around your internal organs to make space but now your pregnancy will occur much like a females''

"Where is the baby going to.. come from" Magnus asked slowly

Catrina giggled. "Well, just as it is fertilised through the anal sex, the anal canal becomes the birthing canal. After the baby is born the uterus is also excreted."


"Any other questions? I will research some more"

"No I think that's all good, Alexander"

'Perfect, I need to go talk to Jace, I said I'd get lunch with him, meet you at home"

"Sure" Magnus said, completely taken aback

When Alec left Magnus turned to Catrina, "What on this plane is going on?"

"Probably a mix of pregnancy hormones and adrenaline" Cat said with a chuckle, it will probably wear off in a few days"

"It's scary," Magnus whined.

"We'll you knocked him" Cat pointed out, "Now get out of here, I have stuff to do"


Sure enough, true to Catrina's words, a few days later the effects of the happy hormones faded and Alec was dreadful. He came home yelling and punched a whole in their wall before collapsing onto the ground in tears.

"I'm sorry Magnus. I'm so sorry" Alec cried

"It's okay Alexander. It's not your fault. How about we come to bed" Magnus said, rubbing small circles on Alec's back.

The next morning, Alex woke up feeling exhausted. His eyes were puffy and his stomach hurt again. Groaning, he hauled himself out of bed. The moment his feet hit the ground his stomach churned. He barely made it to the bathroom before he threw up in the toilet bowl. Magnus raced in moments later and conjured a cup of water for Alec,

"Darling maybe you shouldn't go in today"

"It's just morning sickness. I'm fine"

"You are not"

"I will be fine, Mags" Alec said, planting a kiss on Magnus' forehead, "I'll tell Jace soon then I can start taking days off, I promise"

A/N Hello all you wonderful people. I plan to have part 3 and 4 of this story. I just wanted to get something out to you guys this weekend. 

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