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"Alexander stop that, you have nothing to be worried about"


"Don't worry"

"I'm not"

"You are"

"How would you know?"

"A few reasons actually. First you just said that to me, second I love you and finally your scratching the back of your head"

He opened his mouth then closed it. "I'm sorry Mags"

"Its okay Alexander"

"Do I really do that?"

"Scratch your head? Yes"

"I really love you Magnus"

"As I love you, are you ready to leave? We have 10 minutes until dinner"

Stumbling through the portal Alec thought he was going to pass out. He was terrified. Dinner with Magnus and his father sounded horrible but his father had insisted and he needed to give him a chance, right? It was his father after all.

"Alexander it will be fine"

"I know"

"So can you please loosen your grip on my hand. Your shadowhunter strength is turning me on and now is certainly not the time"

Alec looked down and realised he had grabbed Magnus' hand so tight it was going white.

"I'm sorry Mags"

"Don't be"

"You know he'll say some stuff about us. And you, right Mags"

"I know"

"And I apologise in advance and just want say that he is trying"

"Don't stress yourself out Alexander. I have had people say horrible things in my time. I will be fine, now are you ready to go in or are we going to stand in the wind and catch frostbite?"

Alex just nodded and knocked slowly on the huge wooden door.

A short, stout, balding middle age opened the door.

"Alec, Magnus Bane, what a pleasure, do come in"

Mr Lightwood led them through the hallways of his impressive alicante home and into a small dining room.

"Mary has prepared fish and potato, I hope that is up to your standards Mr Bane?" he said, eying Magnus

"That sounds delightful Mr Lightwood. And I would like to thank you again for inviting us tonight"

They took their places at the polished dining table as the young maid placed steaming plates in front of them. After taking a small bite of fish Mr Lightwood looked up at the young couple before turning to Alec.

"So Alec how have you been?" he said conversationally, shovelling another pile of fish and vegetable into his mouth.

"Good, we have been invited to the shadowhunter academy so teach some classes"

"Really. Both of you?"


"That is interesting"

The silence seemed to grow and wrap itself around them. When Magnus noticed that Alec scratched the back of his head he searched for Alec's hand under the table. At this gesture Robert made a disgusted noise.

"Dad," Alec said in a warning tone.

"I'm sorry. It's just all this. It's still too much for me"

"Too much for you?" Alec said raising his voice "Seriously, I thought you wanted to try"

"I do but-"

"No buts. You've had it out for Magnus at every meeting. You still don't like him or me"

"He's a fucking warlock and a man. I didn't raise you to be this but I guess i was away too much"

"You weren't 'away too much.' I was born like this. You want to know what you did wrong? Cheating on my mother"

"I know it was wrong but-"

"I can't believe I came. Come on Magnus, we're leaving"
Magus just sat frozen in his chair. He had never seen Alec like this ever. So aggressive and worked up.

"Alexander" Magnus said squeezing his hand

"No Magnus. He won't change. All my life he's thought he knows best. Everybody did. Pushing me so far I couldn't see straight. Telling me there was only one right way. They almost broke me and he's not even making a fucking effort. The fish? Mocking your cat eyes. The looks, the comments. I've put up with shit like this my whole life and now I am leaving"

When they got home Alec walked straight to the bedroom and proceeded to kick the bed with all his might.

"Alexander?" Magnus said softly, placing a hand on Alec's shoulder, "stop you are going to hurt yourself"

"It's not fair Magnus," Alec muttered, turning to Magnus. Tears were running down his face. "I just want him to accept me. He said he would but but.."

"Alec" Magnus said, pushing Alec down onto the bed and straddling him "he will. It just takes time"

"I don't have that much though"

"You have more time than you realise"

"Thanks Mags"

"No, thank you."


"Standing up for me. You didn't have to"

"I did"

"I love you and you standing up for me is very hot, a real turn on"

"Really" Alec muttered with a small smile, grabbing Magnus shirt and pulling their lips together.


'Ello guys, 

Yay we are now over 100 reads. Thank you to everybody who reads this book, it really means a lot to me. I hate to be that person that promotes their other books but pls check out Stay with me. It's like a romance/gang/anti-hero short story about a boy who has to look back into his past. If you like Six of Crows (by Leigh Bardugo) it's a similar vibe. 


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