Only Human

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***Trigger Warning - alludes to suicide and panic attacks*** 

Magnus could barely breathe. He was standing on the ledge of the Blackfriars Bridge, waves crashing below. There shouldn't be waves but the sound was deafening. He could hear voices calling out, far away but so close. The only one that stood out was Alexander. Magnus desperately wanted to go over to him but his foot moved on its own. Step by step to the edge of the bridge. Alexander's voice turned to a cry as Magnus' feet balanced on the edge of the bridge. As he took a final step off it all faded into, the only sound that could be heard was Alec's voice against the smashing of waves.

Alec woke up to a scream. He reached out for the dagger hidden under his pillow. As his hand gripped the handle he heard Magnus whisper his name.

'Yeah Mags?" Alec replied. When Magnus didn't reply Alec rolled over. Magnus was sitting up, sweat dripping down his forehead. "Magnus" he muttered, reaching out and cupping Magnus' cheek with his hand. Tears were running down Magnus' face and his eyes were full of panic. "Magnus, you have to look at me. Magnus!" Magnus' eyes found Alec


"Sh-sh Magnus, it's okay, your okay"

"I-I'm sorry" Magnus sobbed, leaning into Alec. Alec picked Magnus up and carried him into the bathroom. Bringing him into the shower he turned on the cold water in an attempt to cool Magnus down. He felt the cold water soak through his pyjamas but all he could think of was the warlock sobbing in his arms.

Once Magnus' breathing returned to normal and he had calmed down Alec brought Magnus onto the bed.

"Magnus, baby, you feeling better?" Magnus just nodded. "Want to talk about it?"


"Are you sure, you'll feel better. You can tell me anything"

"I was on the bridge and you were calling me but I couldn't stop. I went right off the edge and you were there and I left you. I ignored you."

"It's okay Magnus"

"It's not. I left you"

"You could never leave me Magnus"

"I'm sorry, I should be above this" Magnus chuckled, wiping his nose.

"No. You don't need to be with me, Magnus. You're still human with emotions. You're allowed to feel like this"

"I love you Alexander," Magnus signed, wrapping his arms around Alec's neck. Alec replied by kissing Magnus roughly, slowly easing him down onto the bed.

A/N - Hey all, just a short one today. I'm trying to write as much as possible before school goes back and exams start. Any requests would be amazing as I'm running out of ideas and would absolutely love to hear some of yours. 

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