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A/N - Hey guys.

If you would like I will explore Magnus' mental health in later stories as they all seem to be about Alec. I do not mean to be offensive. If I am in any way just let me know. Also if you are struggling please get help. You are worth it. Love Em xoxo

Alec placed a hand on his chest as it fluttered. That was how it always started. The slight shortness of breath and feeling of impending doom. He managed to excuse himself before the voices. They came in waves each louder than the other. His own voice, but courser. Fingers poking at him, harsh jabs at his side. Alec collapsed onto the cool tiled floor. His knees burning. Darkness overcame him as he curled up, knees against his pounding chest. Rocking slowly on his side, salt filled his mouth. The voice got louder and Louder and LOUDER, his head felt like it was trying to explode. Alec apologised over and over and over again in vain.

Magnus watched Alec leave with beads of sweat dripping down his face. He was worried but didn't want to be too clingy so he decided to give Alec a minute. One minute became two then three then four. At five minutes Alec decided to go check on him. Magnus excused himself and slipped down the hall.

"Alexander?" he said, knocking lightly on the bathroom door. Nothing "Alexander?! I'm gonna come in, baby." With a wave of his hand the door flew open, shattering the tiled wall.

"Alec" Magnus said, hurting down by the boy's side and placing a feather soft hand on Alec's shoulder.

"Mags" Alec sobbed looking up "it won't stop, he wont stop"

"Who won't darling"

"The voices"

"Shhh, shhh it's okay. I'm here"

"I want it to stop"

"It will, baby. Just breathe"

Alec took a moment then threw himself at Magnus, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and nuzzling into his chest. Magnus placed a protective hand on Alec's head and muttered soothing words in his ear. He felt tears soak through his short but his thoughts were only for Alec. They lay there for God knows how long. Jace wandered in at one point but upon seeing the two immediately left, convincing the others that Taki's was where they should be. Finally Alec looked up into Magnus' hazel eyes.

"I'm sorry Mags"

"What on earth for?"

"I wrecked your dinner and soaked your shirt"

"That is the least of my worries Alexander. How are you feeling"


"That's good. You can talk to me you know"

"I know"

"Do you want help"

Alec opened his mouth then closed it. "Yes," he finally said. "I need it to stop"

"And it will Alec, it will."

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