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***Trigger Warning - mentions of suicide, blood, violence, attempt on ones own life***

Magnus couldn't sit still. He had cleaned and rearranged his apartment countless times just in the past few hours. Chairman Meow had abandoned his perch on the windowsill to avoid being dusted by the crazy warlock. Magnus was so grateful when his phone finally rang, breaking the eerie silence that hung over his apartment.

"High Warlock of Brooklyn, how may I be of service" he greeted cheerfully

"Magnus" a panicked voice said "he won't come out of his room. I can't open it. The last time he did this it... it went horrible. You've got to come. It's Isabelle by the way. Isabelle lightwood"

"Yes Izzy, I know it is you. I will come over assuming it is Alec you are referring to and not the blonde one"

With confirmation from Isabelle Magnus left his apartment, destined for the institute.

When he marched through the door he was met with a red faced Isabelle. "What the hell happened?"

"We had a fight, Isabelle"

"He won't open his door magnus. I've tried everything. Last tie.. Last time, Magnus, he almost didn't make it" Magnus practically ran the familiar path down to Alec's bedroom.

"Alexander!" he cried when he reached the door, banging on it like a crazy person. "Alexander, you open this door right now or I will." When only silence followed, Magnus felt his heart begin to race, hundred miles per hour. He had never, not in his 400 years of existence, felt so terrified.

"I'm coming in," he yelled after another moment's silence. With a 'magical' wave of his hand the door swung open so hard it dented the wall. The room was empty. The bed was unmade and clothes coated the floor; which was so unlike Alexander it scared Magnus. When Magnus nudged open the bathroom door his heart stopped

His Alexander was slumped against the bath in pools of his own blood. Small red lines ran across his wrists, the culprit, a small dagger that was resting on his lap.

"Fuck, no, Alexander" Magnus cried dropping down beside, His heart soar slightly when he found a weak pulse but still it was fading.

Crying for help, behind a wall of tears, he healed Alexander. The cuts weren't too deep leading to a quick fix however Alec had lost a lot of blood and Magnus certainly didn't have the magical ability to heal him.

The Lightwood children rushed into the room and carried Alec to the infirmary. Jace used some sort of rune to replenish Alec's blood and heal that last ruminates of his injuries.

The Lightwoods stayed by Alec's side for hours, leaving only at the promise that they would be called the moment Alec woke up. Magnus refused to leave Alec. He felt so guilty. If he'd just listened to Alexander they wouldn't have fought and none of this wouldn't have happened. Magnus was broken from his thoughts by a small groan. Alexander.

"Alexander," Magnus muttered, springing off the chair and leaning on the bed.

"Magnus?" he groaned, barely opening his eyes.

Tears sprung in Magnus' eyes as he pushed a loose strand of hair out of Alec's face.

"I'm here, darling"

"I'm sorry, Mags"

"No. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brushed you off like that, you deserve to know the truth but please never do that again"

"I'm sorry" Alec muttered again.

Magnus just leaned in and kissed Alec like it was his last and decided he would never lose Alec no matter what.

Malec OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now