Mpreg (Part 3)

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Alec climbed into bed wearing one of Magnus’ glittery hoodies. When Magnus rolled over and wrapped his arms around Alec, he pulled away.
“What's wrong Alexander?” 
“Honestly, it's nothing” Magnus sat up so he was facing Alec. He took Alec’s hands on his own. 
“Love, you can tell me”
“Its stupid though”
“Im sure its not”
“I’m fat”
“Come again?”
“I’m fat”
“Alexander, you are most definitely not fat. You are carrying a baby inside of you”
“I know. I know but still” 
“No. You are beautiful. When are you going to tell them”
“We are going to have to tell them eventually” 
“I know, but I don't wanna Mags”
“You’re going to start showing soon. I think telling them is the best way for them to find out”
“But what if they hate me”
“They won’t” 
“Wanna bet?”
“How about you strat with Jace and Izzy when they come for game night later this week then you can move onto your parents”
“Alright then”
“It will be fine Alexander” magnus said softly kissing him on his cheek


Alec felt like throwing up. Scratch that, Alec did throw up, many times. And only half the time it was due to morning sickness.
“It’s going to go shit” Alec cried for the fourth time that morning “we should cancel”
“We are not cancelling”
“But they will hate me”
“I don’t know”
“They already know you are gay and they accepted that straight away. It's your parents and the rest of the shadowhunter community that took time” 
“But this is different. I literally sparked some ancient magic that hasn't existed for literally hundreds of years and am now a pregnant male. Now that is unnatural”
“It is not unnatural and if anything they will think its cool”
Suddenly a knock on the dor caused Alec to jump
“Looks like they are here, you going to put a shirt on, love?” Magnus asked as he made his way towards the door
“Shit, yeah” 

Alec raced into the living room moments later in a black hoodie, that was way too big for him. 
“Hey Alec, what's with the hoodie?” Jace asked 
“I'm just cold, who’s ready to lose?”

Many rounds of uno later Jace was losing horribly, Clary had given up and was sketching everybody and Izzy was getting proceedingly more competitive, just like Magnus. When things got boiling Alec decided to bow out as well. Finally after Izzzy was queened Uno champion Alexander knew it was time, unfortunately in that moment he felt the familiar nausea rise in his stomach. He raced out the room, barely making it to the bathroom. He heard a rustle of fabri as Magnus entered moments later.
“Honey, are you okay?” Magnus said, bending down and rubbing circles on Alec’s back. 
“Yeah, just the normal” 
“Okay, you know you don’t have to tell them if they aren’t up to it”
“No no, I am fine. I’ll still do it”
“You sure, love?”
“Ok then, I'll get drinks from the kitchen. Don’t worry, it will go great”

When he walked back out Jace stood up and raced over to him,
“You alright?”
“Yeah. i’m fine”
“You sure, you just threw up” Clary chimed in
“I’m aware and there is a perfectly good reason” Alec replied cooly
“What?” Jace said 
“I-I’m pregnant”
“Jace” Clary scolded, “What do you mean Alec”
“I’m pregnant”
“But you’re a guy?” Jace said “right?” 
“Yes, its a shadowhunter thing from back before being gay was considered ‘unholy’”
“Woah” Jace said, sinking down into a couch. Alec felt his heart skip a beat but a smile spread across Jace’s face. “That’s so cool. I’m gonna be an uncle”
“You’re not mad?”
“No, why would I be?”
“I don’t know” 
Izzy, who had remained silent up until that point sprung up and wrapped Alec in a tight hug, “this is so good Alec” 
“Yeah,” Simon chimed in from the couch “How far along”
“Why is it weird that you asked that question?” Clary asked.
“I am educated” Simon huffed 
“Well, there is an extra fortnight for males so i’m about 17 weeks, which is week 15 of a normal pregnancy”
“So you're going to start showing soon”  Clary squealed “that's so exciting” 
At that moment Magnsu waltzed in baring a tray of drinks.
"Looks like it went well then?" 
"Was it not going to?" Clary asked
"We had our doubts," Magnus said, placing his hand on Alec's shoulder and squeezing it gently.
"You never need to worry" Jace said "we are your family"
"Thanks guys"


When everyone had left (not after the girls planned an elaborate baby shower) Magnus and Alec curled up on the couch. 
"I told you"
"Thanks Mags"
"I love you Alec" Magnsu said softly, carefully climbing into Alec's lap.
Alex reached up and tangled his hands in Magnus' hair, pulling them together.

Hey guys. I am so so sorry this took so long. While I’m at school I think my updates will be fortnightly rather than weekly. 
The story will continue in part 4 

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