Mpreg (Part 1)

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Hola guys, just a **trigger warning, as per the title this is a male pregnancy story** if this makes you uncomfy or you don't like it pls skip. I took inspiration from Yours {Drarry|MPreg} by Xx_drarry_rebelle_xX. There may be some overlaps however I have changed the story slightly as this is a Malec fanfic not a Darry.

Lots of Love xxx

Alec groaned as he emptied the contents of his stomach into the toilet. Sweat rolled down his face. His stomach had been off for a week. He thought it had just been from training but it slowly got worse and worse. He'd almost passed out training with Jace and he knew he'd have to tell someone soon. That night when he stumbled into the apartment he felt like his stomach was going to burst. He was bloated and hadn't been able to keep any food down all day. He found Jace in the kitchen

"Watch out Alec, Izzy's cooking dinner"
"Oh no" Alec laughed, placing a hand on his stomach as if to push down the nausea "I was just wondering if you could cover for me?"
"Sure, what for"
"Oh just got somewhere to be. I'll tell you later alright?" Alec said.

"Yeah course mate" Jace replied, I'll walk you out"

When they left the room Jace said, "okay I'll go now. I think I'll get Chinese and sneak back in later. I want to live another night"


When Catrina opened the door a shadowhunter was the last person she expected to see.

"Alec Lightwood, what a pleasant surprise. Come in. What can I do for you"

"Hey Cat, I have a favour to ask"


"I've been feeling sick and it's been getting worse and I was wondering if you could check if it's anything serious. I don't want to worry Magnus if I don't have to"

"Of course. What been happening"

"Well my stomach been getting worse everyday and today I couldn't keep down anything I ate"

"Come lay on the couch" she said, gesturing for him to follow her. Alec laid absolutely still as she examined him. Hand aglow she hovered it over his body.

"Ah" she commented finally

"Ah? What does 'ah' mean" Alec asked sitting up

"Alec, you are pregnant"


"You're pregnant"

"I can't be. I'm a guy"

"But you are also a shadowhunter. Male shadowhunters have been known to conceive, however rare it may be, in order to ensure the continuation of your species."

"But, warlocks are infertile"

"Not with shadowhunters"

"But-but how could I not know this"

"Gay sex with shadowhuneters is so incredibly rare that those pregnancies  are one in a million. It is even less common between a shadowhunter and warlock so I'm not sure. There isn't much on it. How about I do some reading and you can come back with Magnus. I assume it's Magnus'"

"Of course"

"Ok so how about you go home and talk to Magnus and come back when you are ready? I just need to tell you that obviously males do not have a uterus to grow a baby so your body grows a temporary one. It can take a week to fortnight an the pain can be horrible. Sometimes incapacitating and you are entering that stage now"


"Just take a deep breath Alec. It will all be okay"

"What if he leaves me"

"Who, Magnus? He wouldn't do that. Just go home and talk to him"

Alec bid Cat goodbye and began to walk home. At some point it started to rain but Alec continued to walk down the grey street. Pregnant? How could this be happening? When he entered the apartment he was dripping

"Alexander, what happened"

"I-I need to talk to you Mags" Alec said

"Okay, about what?"

"Just sit down"

"One sec, how about you go put dry clothes on alright and I'll make tea then we'll talk"



Alec walked out a few minutes later in one of Magnus' sweaters and tracksuit, his hair still damp from the shower.

"Okay darling what do you have to tell me" Magnus said sitting on the couch"

Alec opened his mouth then closed it


"I don't know how to say"

"Alec I love you and I think it might be best to say whatever it is frankly"

"I'm pregnant"


"I am pregnant"

"But you are a guy, right"

"Yeah but Cat said male shadowhunters can get pregnant"

"Is it mine"

"Of course it is your"

"This is good, right?" magnus asked

"Yeah" Alec said softly, then tears began to run down his face

"Darling what's wrong" Magnus asked wrapping his arms around the shadowhunter

"I'm sorry"

"For what"


"There is nothing to be sorry about"

"I'm so scared Mags" Alec sobbed "Cat said I have to grow a uterus and its gonna hurt"

"Ohh, Alexander. It will be okay, I promise"

"We need to go see Cat so she can explain it"

"Okay, whenever you are ready"

"We should go after"

"Okay, whatever you want babe"

Pt 2 coming soon...

Hey me again, this is a bit different to my normal writing. What do you guys think?  There will def be a pt 2 and maybe even a pt 3??? 

I mentioned that I was inspired by a Drarry fanfic. If you are into Darry stories I have written my own one called fata colliduntur and is set in Hogwarts 8th year if Harry went back.

Pls don't be a silent reading I read all comments and appreciate all votes 

Lots and lots of love, Em xoxox

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