Break ups kill.. almost

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A/N - for context this is set after Magnus and Alec break up in City of Fallen Angles due to Alec's  'secret' meetings with Camille regarding Magnus and his immortality. 

Magnus felt tears drip down his cheeks. He had never felt so broken. Not even when his relationship with Camille ended. The abyss in his heart had never felt so empty. He had lived an eternity but that seemed too long. What was the point of living only to face heartbreak and betrayal over and over again. He needed a way out. He walked across the winding streets of New York as rain poured relentlessly from the sky. Magnus continued to walk, not even thinking about his destination until he got there. The New York shadow market. Renowned for downworlder run stores. He headed over to one of the faeries apothecaries. Behind the counter was a young looking girl with flawless pale skin and reddish hair that had fall leaves weaved into it. She couldn't have been older than 16, although with faerie magic you could never tell. She wore an inviting smile and had long sharp nails. Her dress appeared to be made of fall leaves sewn together to form a sort of pixie dress.

"What can I get you, hun?" she said cheerfully, baring her sharp teeth.

"Give me polygrambul" Magnus replied in a lifeless voice. The faerie raised her eyebrows.

"That's powerful stuff, hun. Most non-faeries can't handle that. You sure. It can be fatal"

Magnus shook his head "Just give it to me"

She nodded "whatever you say hun." Magnus snatched the vial of ruby red liquid off her and threw some money her way. He had paid her too much but he didn't care. Nothing mattered. Money was just a way people validated you. Slowly he made his way back to his apartment.

When he reached his apartment he walked in, leaving the door hanging open. He made his way to the bedroom he and Alec had shared and sat on the ground leaning against the end of the bed. He used a gust of wind the slam the door shut and then with a wave of his hand he locked it. He conjured a syringe out of thin air and filled it with the faerie drug. Taking a deep breath he jabbed it into his arm and allowed the drug to take control.

The pain was unbearable just for a moment then everything faded. He felt num. He could see colours swirling in front of his eyes. And shapes. Dancing. And. People. Singing. And. Blades. Falling. And. Plants. Growing. And. Ocean. Dipping. He felt like he was slipping and he let the drug consume him.

Alec groaned and sat up. He had just got to bed and his phone was already ringing.

"Hello?" he said grumpily, rubbing his eyes.

"Alec, its Catrina, I'm sorry to wake you but can you go check on Magnus"

"Cat, in case you've forgotten, we broke up. I'm the last person he'd want to see"

"I know, but he didn't turn up for dinner and he's not answering my calls. Magnus never does that. Ever. I would go but I just called into the hospital. Please" Her voice sounded on the edge of panic so Alec agreed. He walked the familiar path to Magnus' apartment with his hands shoved in his jeans pocket and his hood on. The cool wind whipped around his face sending a shiver down his spine. He was lucky the rain had stopped. He was already in a bad enough mood. When he reached Magnus' apartment he went to knock but the door hung open.

Alec pulled out his blade. He whispered "Raphael," sending the blade to life. "Magnus!" he called. Prowling through the apartment he listened for any sounds but it was dead silence. He checked each room until the only room left was his old room. He tried to opened the door but he was locked. Magnus never locked doors in his apartment. He never expected anyone to get in as nobody had keys and his wards were some of the most powerful in Brooklyn. Alec threw his body weight against the door again and again and again until to door sprung open. Alec felt his heart stop and his body freeze.

Magnus was lying unconscious on the floor. A stained red syringe lay next to him and Magnus had an ugly puncture mark in his arm. "Shit.  By the angel Magnus what did you do," Alec said rushing to Magnus' side. "Mags" he said shaking Magnus gently. He could see his chest rising and falling slightly so he was still breathing. Just. Magnus' eyes fluttered.

"My dear Alexander, how I've missed you" he said softly, falling into Alec's arms. 

A/N - Hey again guys, if you want more to this story (like when Magnus is sober) just comment here and I will 100% write one. Hope you are enjoying it. 

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