Chairman Meow

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'Crash!!' Alec's eyes sprung open as he reached for his Seraph blade, then Magnus came into view. He was in a frenzy. His makeup was smudged and his hair stuck up messily in all directions.

"Mags, what's wrong?" Alec exclaimed sleepily, placing his blade back down on the dresser.

"It's chairman meow. He's gone missing."

"I thought he went missing all the time?" Alec replied groggily, flopping back down onto the pillow. His ink hair defined on the peachy silk.

"No, that is a joke. He has never been one this long before." Magnus said, near a panic.

"Okay, okay. Magnus, I need you to take a deep breath. We will find him. Just let me shower and get dressed then I will help you look," Alec said, climbing out of bed.

After the shortest, most unsatisfying shower ever Ale was on his hands and knees to check that chairman meow was not hiding under anything in the kitchen. Magnus was getting closer and closer to bursting into tears as the hours went on.

"Somebody has kidnapped him," Magnus declared after hours of searching.

"Magnus, why would someone steal your cat?" Alec replied grumpily "Let's call Catrina, maybe she knows something"

"You just trying to get out of searching" Magnus replied sulking

"Yes Mags because I am meant to be at the institute right now. Jace can only cover for me for so long. Just call her Magnus, please," Alec said desperately

"Fine" Magnus said, rolling his eyes and magicking his phone into his hand. He dialled Catrina's number with shaking hands. Alec slowly walked over to Magnus and wrapped his arms around him. Magnus leaned into Alec and put the phone to his ear. After a minute he looked up to Alec, "went to voicemail, maybe we can go see her Alexander?"

"Sure Mags"

After a nauseating portal journey to Catrina's apartment Magnus was banging on Catrina's door like a mad man. Catrina threw open the door and Alec leered back. Catrina looked like she had just rolled out of bed. "MAGNUS!! What in the earth do you want? Some people work nights - saving people" She paused, took a deep breath then looked at Magnus. "Magnus, what's wrong?" she said kindly.

"I can't find Chairman, Cat"

"Okay you come in and sit down. I'll get you a drink and i will go look for him"

"Yeah Mags, I'll go help her" Alec added. Once Catrina had organised a drink for Magnus and he was curled up on the couch. Catrina grabbed Alec's arm and dragged him out the apartment. "Come on. I know where we need to go"

"Really?" Alec said "We've been looking all morning"

"Yeah. The old owner is back in town. He probably took him back"

"So he has been kidnapped!" Alec exclaimed and he hurried to keep up with Catrina. "I thought Magnus was being paranoid." Catrina sharply turned a corner and Alec had to backtrack in order to follow her. She halted to a screeching stop in front of a run down apartment that's door was in a dark, damp alley. Catrina began to bang loudly on the door

"McGregor, open up!!" She yelled

"Its daylight" a meek voice called back

"We are in an alley. There is no sun you idiot. I want you to give that cat back McGregor"

"No it's mine"

"It hasn't been yours for centuries"

"How old is Chairman meow" Alec said softly

"Centuries old"


"Later" she said moving towards the door and began banging it in a way that reminded Alec of Magnus at Catrina's apartment. "McGregor open the door right now or I swear to god I'll blow it down"

The door swung open and Catrina almost fell through it as she went to bang on it again.

"You warlocks are insufferable" his eyes shifted to Alec "and you brought a Shadowhunter."

"You're a vampire" Alec stated.

"Oh, and a bright one at that" the vampire said. He had dead pale skin. He had a tall frame and was wearing a scratchy black suit and a black bowtie. His black hair was slicked back and his face, like Raphael's, appeared to be stuck in a constant scowl.

"McGregor, get over yourself. Give us the cat and we will go. Simple as that"

"No. He is mine and I won't let him go again."
"McGregor, that cat is not yours. You tortured the poor animal, not love him. I will ask you one more time. Give me the cat"

"No,'' he said stubbornly, folding his arms and putting on his best puppy dog eyes. Although due to his features it didn't work. Catrina quickly did some sort of magic that bound McGregor and sent him about 5 meters into the air. He squirmed but was unable to get out of the invisible ropes that held him  in the air. Catrina walked into the house. Alec peered in and saw a 18th century style elegant house set with a huge wooden staircase at the opening and vase with white lilies. He walked back out of the door and watched the vampire squirm until Catrina came out with Chairman Meow. She waved her hands, sending the vampire plummeting to the ground and stalked off. Alec hurried behind her.

This time they portaled back to Catrina's apartment. Alec didn't know whether he preferred walking or portalling. When Magnus saw Chairman Meow well, Alec had never seen Magnus look so happy (which was both heart-warming and disheartening). Magnus ran to Catrina and took Chairman Meow while muttering his thanks to Catrina. He portaled home humming with a big grin on his face. The sun was beginning to set, casting a nice glow in Magnus' apartment. Magnus, Alec and Chairman Meow were laying on the sofa. Magus had Chairman Meow in his arms and his head resting on Alec's lap.

"Magnus, I'm sorry about what I said this morning. I didn't realise how much Chairman Meow meant to you" Alec said, planting a kiss on Magnus' forehead.

"It's okay my darling Alexander. It's just that I rescued Chairman Meow centuries ago from an abusive vampire and then he never died. He is still alive to this day somehow and he is the only person I've had all these years. Okay centuries may be an exaggeration, it was probably just over a century ago."

Alec chuckled and sleepy said, "Our happy family." Magnus felt a smile creep across his face. A family.

Malec Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن