Last Names

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"Mags, have you thought about whose last name we'll take, you know, after we're married"

"Yeah, yours"

"What why?"

"It will help you in the Shadowhunter world. Especially with all the change you are trying to make the prestige might help"

"But I was thinking we could take your name"

"What on earth for?"

"When you made that name for yourself, it was when you became you. It's such a big part of your identity. Also it sounds so cool"

"Alexander Bane. Definitely has a ring to it but don't you think it will be hard to change the world as a Bane?"

"I'd make do," Alec said as a teasing smile spread across his face. He threw his arms around  Magnus' neck, guiding him back

"I always do," he muttered in Magnus' ear as they disappeared into the bedroom.


"So Mr Lightwood-Bane, think we made the right choice?" Magnus muttered in Alec's ear

"Most definitely Mr Lightwood-Bane, though it's a shame you didn't wear that white dress. I think my father would have died

A/N - Two in one day. wow. It is very very short one guys, just a quick idea that I wanted to share. Pt 3 of Mpreg is coming soon (probably end of week). 

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