Lightwood family dinner

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Alec felt like he was dying of awkwardness. Death seemed like a favourable outcome as he sat at the table with his mother and father. Jace was on a pre planned date with Clary and Isabelle was in Idris on official clave business. His mother had made a bowl of creamy pasta garnished with fresh basil. Normally he would be delighted at a meal as special as this but today he believed that if he ate anything it wouldn't stay down. His father was eyeing him in such a way he felt like he had a third eye on his forehead. Alec tugged nervously at his collar trying to loosen it. He felt like he couldn't breathe. Although, he didn't know how else he expected the first dinner with his father after coming out to go. 

Her mother coughed politely,

"So Alec, darling, how have you been? I've missed you"

"I've been good, mum. Thanks for asking. What is Isabelle up to?" he asked politely even though he already knew. He could still sense his father's eyes on him.

"Isabelle has been awarded an honour. She will lead a team attacking a rogue warlock that summons greater demons. She is in Idris for a briefing."

"Yeah at least some of our kids are following their destiny" her father piped up. Maryse shot him a warning glare but that didn't stop him. "What are you doing, eh Alec. Running around with a filthy half-breed. Isabelle is being honoured by the clave. Jace is top of his class and dating a remarkable female shadowhunter and you are doing nothing." Robert raised his voice as he went on, ending his speech in a near-yell.

"Robert," Maryse scolded but he continued to ignore her.

"That faggy demon you're dating has probably broken hundreds of clave laws while corrupting the minds of young shadowhunters like yourself."

"Magnus didn't turn me gay dad. I've been gay for my whole life"

"What?! You're blaming me for the messed up way you turned out?" his father demanded

"No no not at all" Alec said quickly "I was born like this. It was nothing you did. I have always been the way I am, I just never told you. I love Magnus and I wanted you to share in my happiness."

"Damn right it's not my fault and you are not in love, you are just confused. Bane has done horrible things. He is not better than the demons you kill every night on the streets. He just has skin. Overly painted skin at that. Looks like a fucking peacock. Last part certainly describes him" he said chuckling, like he'd said something hilarious 

Alec felt his heart stop. "NO! No how dare you talk about Magnus like that. Then... Then just laugh it off. He is a better man than you'll ever be and I won't sit here and listen to you insult him"

"Alec" Maryse warned.

"No mum. He needs to hear it. Don't you dare talk about my boyfriend like that. Because that's what he is, whether you like it or not."

"This dinner is over '' Robert said, the veins in his neck bulging "get out of my house until you decide where your loyalty lies. If you chose the warlock, don't expect me to help you."

"Robert" Matre said even louder

"SHUT UP MARYSE!!" Robert roared "AND YOU" he said turning to Alec "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!" Alec felt tears burning behind his eyes but he pushed them down. He stood up and almost ran out of the room. Ignoring his mothers cries.

He just kept walking until he ended up right where it began. On the park bench where he and Magnus had first talked about the future. He collapsed onto the bench and let the tears flow. He pulled his knees to his chest and tucked his head down. He kept seeing his mothers tear stained face and the look of anger, disgust and betrayal that his father wore. It tore his heart in half. He felt a duty to his family but he also loved Magnus. More than anyone ever. He didn't want to give that up but he didn't want to give his family up either. In the midst of his moral delieier he felt a hand rest gently on his shoulder.

"One should never dwell in a park. It is a hotspot for both muggers and demons my dear" a familiar voice said.

Alec lifted his head up and looked into Magnus' hazel eyes.

"Oh my dear Alexander. Whatever is the matter?" Magnus'  face dropped at the sight of Alec's tear stained face.

"It's n-nothing. I'm okay" he stuttered.

"My dear, I may be old but my eyesight is as good as ever" Magnus replied

"My father, he said... he said horrible things about you and then I... I said some things back then he-he basically disowned me. But it's fine. Everything's okay"

"Alexander, you're obviously not okay. I am honoured you stood up for yourself but everything is not okay. It might not be for a long while but I will be by your side until it is." Magnus replied softly sitting on the bench beside him and taking his hand. Alec rested his shoulder on Magnus' shoulder and closed his eyes. 

"I love you Magnus," Alec said.

"Oh my dear Alexander, as I love you"

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