Just Great...

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Chapter 4


"So we still up for Pizza?" Perrie asked

"Zayn texted me, yup I'm in. Is Niall coming?" I asked

"I called him and he said he'll go too. So Domino's?" Perrie asked back

"We'll figure it out when we're at the mall." I said

"Talk to you later Perrie, I got another call." I add before ending the call.

"Niall I swear if your going to tell me how turtles fart I am going to kick your ass later." I said as I answered the call but all I hear was a familiar giggle.

"Jade?" I asked

"Turtle farts! That is just epic." she answered

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Hey let's hang this afternoon? Let's go bowling!"she answered

"I'm having pizza with Niall and the gang. But you know I can tell them let's just go bowling." I suggest.

"Yey! See you!!! Love you Lou!" she screamed before ending the call.

"I love you too." I whispered


"Where is she?"Perrie asked frantically as we sat in a booth waiting for Jade.

"She told us she'd meet us here at the Bowling Arena." I told her.

"Well I should order pizza." Niall said as he stood up and left.

"This isn't good." Zayn said making all of us look at the entrance.

"She didn't."I whispered

"Oh honey, she did." Perrie responds

"Hi guys! Liam's here."Jade greeted as she approached us holding Liam's hand.

"Hope I'm not intruding." Liam greeted.

"Not at all." I said with a weak smile.

"Let's play." Zayn suggests as he stood up.

I sat there awkwardly trying my best to look cheerful.

"I'll go help Niall."I then said as I left the booth.

"Idiot." I whispered to myself as I approached Niall.

"Liam's here." I told him as he looked at me.

"Well isn't that great." Niall teased

"Yeah... just great." I sighed.

We were fighting in groups of three. Zayn, Perrie and Niall against Jade, Liam and I. Our team was winning and I could see Jade and Liam always hugging after each of them scores.

"Well it's official you guys win." Perrie said as she sat down beside Zayn.

"Unfair! They got Louis who is the master of bowling." Niall complained

"I got to go guys. My mum just sent me a text." I lied.

"But Lou." Jade complained.

"It's urgent. See you guys in school." I said before leaving.

It was a little too much for me to handle. I didn't know why I felt like this, but I just don't want to see her with him. I'd rather not see her than have her parading her happy smiles with Liam. It was just unbearable and it sucked not being able to do anything about it. Why was I feeling like this?


"You're a little early?" my Mum asked as she greeted me.

"Just got tired." I told her as I kissed her cheeks.

"Mum, is it weird to miss your best friend? And you know be jealous?" I asked

"Oh honey. It's okay. But you can do something about it, hang-out with her. Don't let her slip away. Is that why Jade hasn't been here in awhile?"my mum asked and I nod

"I'll go to my room." I then said going upstairs.

I went to the terrace and started strumming the guitar and decided to sing "Remembering Sunday" by All Time Low.


Louis never leaves like that.

"I should go after him." I told them

"I'll come with." Liam said

We left Zayn, Perrie and Niall at the bowling arena and I decided to go to Louis' house. I was about to knock when I saw Louis get out to the terrace. Liam was in his car waiting for me and I was about to shout Louis' name when he started singing. I heard him sing this song once...


"I don't mean to be a bother but have you seen this girl? She's been running through my dreams, and it's driving me crazy it seems, I'm gonna ask her to marry me..." Louis sang along with the radio.

"What is that song?" I asked

"Remembering Sunday. I love this song." he admitted

"Well it's a sweet song." I told him

"I'm going to be singing this song when I find the girl." he told me.

"The girl?" I asked

"yeah. THE girl." he answered.

/end of flashback/

"Who is she Lou?" I whispered

I felt the pain in his song, and it kind of broke my heart knowing that Louis found THE girl but it looks like he got his heart broken already. I just wanted to hug him. How could I have not seen this? I was too busy being happy and not seeing Louis in pain. I felt like such a bad friend. I just stared at him until he finished his song and I swear a tear fell from my eyes.


"I guess I'll go home...." I finished singing.

Damn. That song was painful to sing. I never realized it but maybe I did find THE girl, but I have already let her go. Stupid Louis. You had her but you let her go, well, she's happy and I can't just take that away from her. I have to try and cope with this. I just have to...

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