You Piece of Shit!

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Chapter 14


"Jesy said we should sing and dance since Zayn and Perrie will be singing." Niall told me as he ate his crisps

"Zayn and Perrie have been in the choir room looking for a song." I told Niall as we sat by the bleachers

"Heard Bridgit and Leigh-Anne joined."Niall stated

"Yeah, she did. They'll be dancing.. I told her DUH you're a cheerleader." I responded

"And she's like no shit Tomlinson!" I added

"So you really not joining?"Nial asked

"Nah, not a fan of Shakes." I answered

Niall then gasped at my response

"You didn't! Shake Shack is not just Shakes!" Niall screamed

"It's an experience you have to take, cause at Shake Shack we serve not your usual Shakes."Zayn interrupted as he sang the jingle

"See Zayn knows it!" Niall said proudly

"How can I not, you've be nagging us about it" Zayn told him making me laugh

"FUCK YOU STYLES!" Zayn screamed

"What did he do this time?"I asked

"He fucking made me trip on the corridors with his messenger bag." Zayn explained

Zayn was a lot of things but when it comes to Harry he was usually angry, but they both loved getting on each others nerves, it was quite a show for all of us.

"I LOVE YOU TOO MALIK TRIPPERROO." Harry screamed making Logan laugh beside him


"PEACE AND LOVE ZAYNIE BOO!" Harry shouted back with a flying kiss

"PEACE AND LOVE YOUR FACE YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!" Zayn screamed but on cue Liam came and stopped Harry from responding.

"Daddy Liam just had to stop the fight damn I was waiting for Harry's come back." I said making Niall laugh

"Not now Tomlinson." Zayn said making Niall and I stop.

"What happened after you tripped?" Niall asked just to brake the silence

"I fell on Ariana. She almost kissed me, good thing I got off her and Perrie helped me up. Perrie almost slapped her, I had to control Perrie." Zayn said as he fixed his hair.

"Damn. That's a handful."I said

"How's Perrie?"Niall asked


"This is bad! If Jesy can't contain her, then no one can." Niall said as we stood up and went to the girls. Jade, Jesy and Bridgit tried to calm her down but they couldn't.


"Ariana, stop."Leigh-Anne said

"We're not friends Leigh. Don't tell me what to do." Ariana responded

"Ari, come on." Victoria said as she tried to contain her friend.

"I am not afraid to hurt you!" Perrie screamed

"Perrie don't use violence, you know better." Jade said

"Pezz come on. You wouldn't hurt a fly." Jesy stated

"Calm down."Bridgit said

"PEZZA!" I screamed

"WHAT?!" she screamed back

"Don't. Just don't okay?" I said and Perrie gave me a defeated look.

"Let her go, you know better." I added

"But Lou.." she started but Zayn then kissed her lips making everyone just freeze for a moment

"What was that for?"Ariana asked

"To show you I love Perrie, Ariana, you and I know it was never meant to work out. Please, Perrie is my world and I wouldn't have it any other way. Please respect that, and I know you have someone already. Stop trying to relive the past." Zayn said

"I just, I just missed my boyfriend okay! Long distance is a bitch." Ariana admitted as Victoria enveloped her in a hug

"I'm sorry." Ariana whispered

And we all just left her for her privacy and for Victoria to comfort her friend.

"Well that was a handful for a free period." Niall said

"Tell me about it." Jesy responded


"Just sign up you little piece of shit!" Zayn said as Harry wrote his name on the sign up sheet as I walked pass them.

"Hey."Jade greeted as she stood in front of me.

"Hi." I responded in a confused manner.

"Aren't you going to sign up?"she asked.

"Nope. You?"I asked

"I was hoping we'd keep our promise." she said

"But.." I started

"Come on, Liam doesn't want to perform. Please."she asked

"What would we do?"I asked

"So is that a yes?"she asked

I knew it was a mistake but the way her eyes glistened was just hard to resist and if I said no it would hurt her. I don't know why but I just didn't want to hurt those eyes...

"Yeah." I sighed and to my shock she hugged me

"We'll sing!!! I am so excited!!!" she said making me smile.

"Ahem."Perrie coughed making Jade let go of me.

"Why is Harry being forced to sign by Zayn?"she asked

"Harry really didn't say sorry so instead of cutting his hair Zayn forced him to join and make a fool of himself. You know how Harry loves his hair." I explained

"Well that will be interesting."Perrie said


"I am an idiot!" I said

"It's good, cause you know. You might be back to square one." Niall responded

"I doubt it, what if Liam starts to hate me because I said yes." I asked

"Liam isn't shallow." Niall answered

"Good point." I responded

"Just don't do anything stupid." Niall said

"I know mate. I can't lose her and lose Liam's trust too." I said

I don't know what might happen but I was determined to not make any stupid decisions, even though saying yes was a stupid decision. I had to remember my limits, I couldn't risk anything. But it scared me to be close to Jade again, it scared me that I might get lost in those eyes again... get lost in those eyes and just make more stupid decisions that I might eventually regret.

//Author's Note: I just had to make Harry and Zayn fight again, I find it adorale to write them in this love hate relationship. :) And a little Zerrie drama, I just had to! It's a little filler for the whole Jade and Louis part of the story sorry about that but I hope you still enjoyed it.//

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