Zerrie Control

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Chapter 21


Jade and I have been going out a lot, hanging out with the gang and just us in the movies. I enjoy being with her and I knew that this was something worth keeping. I was on my way to pick her up when I saw Perrie at their door knocking.

Jade opened the door and immediately saw me.


I saw Louis standing by the tree about to walk to the porch and Perrie was surprisingly at my doorstep.

"What's up Pezz?" I asked as I smiled at Louis

"You busy? I need some girl time with you." Perrie answered

I mentally cursed myself, I had a date with Louis but since we were sort of testing the waters we haven't told our friends yet and I did't have the heart to tell Perrie that I was busy with something else.

"Sure come on." I said and as Perrie entered I mouthed a sorry to Louis.


It hurts when we make plans and something like this comes up, but I loved her and I had to understand the situation. I gave her a weak smile and left. I was walking when suddenly I bumped into Zayn.

"I was looking for you everywhere mate!" Zayn said as he tried to catch his breath. He looked like he just finished a marathon or something.

"What's wrong Zayn?" I asked

"Perrie and I had a fight." he admitted

"Let's go to Niall's" I said and he nodded.

My brother needed me, and Perrie needed Jade. We will have our time for each other but we had to do damage control for our friends right now. I sighed, it was hard trying to act just friends with Jade when you just want to burst out and tell everyone that you love her.

We finally arrived at Niall's and he was still in his boxers, typical of Niall on a Saturday.

"Perrie?" he simply asked as he rubbed his eyes and Zayn nodded.

Niall and I sat there and we listened to Zayn while we played on Niall's Xbox.

"We had a fight about her dog, you know I am allergic but she said of we were ever going to go to the same uni, she needed me to take care of her dog as well then I asked her what if we didn't got to the same uni and then she just left." Zayn told us.


"But Pezz, Zayn was just being honest. What if that happens? You have got to trust your boyfriend Perrie. He loves you to bots and pieces you know that." I told her as she cried her eyes out

"But Jade, I know long distance is a bitch okay? I am used to having him around. And I just don't want to feel like I can never be there for him when he needs me. I don't want him looking for someone that can give him what I can't simply because of the distance." she told me.

I never thought of it that way I always thought that Perrie, was so sure of her relationship with Zayn until she made me realize that she's only human and that their perfect relationship isn't always perfect. There are struggles that they go through as they grow together and those struggles are real and not petty.

"Perrie, if Zayn truly loves you he will stay faithful to you okay? He will always be faithful to you if he truly loves you as much as you love him. And if he chooses to not be faithful then its his loss okay? Not yours. All you can do is to trust him Pezza." I said as I enveloped her in a hug.

I was struck by my words. All I could also do was to trust Louis, and to trust that this relationship would work. Trusting the waters is a lie, we should either be ready to be together or not at all and I knew in that moment I was ready to be with him and for everyone to know it. There was no more point on hiding.

"Jadey, thank you. I needed that." Perrie said with a weak smile.

"Come on let's go find your man and get you two loved up again." I told her which made her chuckle.


"She trusts you, its just she feels vulnerable okay Zayn? Jesy and I have talked about that and I swear I was the one freaking out about not being with her and she told me to trust her. That we should build our relationship in trust, Zayn I know you want her to trust you but understand that Perrie is human. She is allowed to have a little doubt and a little freak out because she is afraid of losing you." Niall told us.

"And Zayn. She just really loves you okay? That girl is crazy about you and you should know where she is coming from." I added

"I guess you are right." Zayn said with a sigh

As Zayn stayed quiet my phone buzzed

From: JadeXO
Lou, where are you? Are you with Zayn! Perrie wants to see him.

I smiled to myself, I was happy Jade texted me. And even more that she had talked Perrie into making up with Zayn.


From: LouBearXO
Yes, we are at Niall's. We'll be waiting. Love you!

I smiled at Louis' message. He just knew how to brighten up my day.

"They are at Niall's. Let's go?" I asked Perrie and she nodded

Upon arriving at Niall's just as we were about to knock, Louis opens the door and greets us with the sweetest smile.

"Ladies." he greeted with a bow making me chuckle

"Perrie!" Zayn shouted as he ran to her and hugged her.

"So I've been thinking, I want us to be official. To everyone." I whispered to Louis making him grin.

"Oh really?" he asks

"But of course me fine sir." I teased and we just laughed and Niall popped up beside him.

"We'll looks like our Zerrie Control powers are still working." Niall said proudly making us laugh.

And just like that Perrie and Zayn were okay. And I knew Louis and I will also be okay.

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