This is Confusing!

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Chapter 17


I've been hanging out with Jesy and Perrie for these past few days, being away from Liam has shed new light to what I've been feeling. I stared at the lads as they practiced football. I could see Louis so determined, so focused. I knew he loved football and that he was good at it.

"What changed?" Perrie asked

"What do you mean?" I asked

"You were so fixated on dating Liam, what changed?" Perrie asked again


"Liam is just so hot! I could stare at him for days" I said to Perrie

"Not my cup of tea." Perrie responded

"What? I love my boyfriend." Perrie added as I looked at her weirdly

/end of flash back/

"I guess I was huh?" I asked

"Did you just miss Lou? Or do you long for his presence?"Jesy asked

"What's the difference?"I asked

"Missing someone is like, wishing you could see them but you can tolerate them not being there, but longing is wanting their presence, having the empty feeling is hard to bear." Jesy explained

I knew it was the latter part. I longed to be with Louis... but I refused to admit it, even to these girls. Why was I so afraid to admit it?


"Hey can we cut the practice short? Bridgit needs my help with the motorcycle she just bought, wants me to check it out." Louis said as he sat on the piano bench

"Oh sure." I said with a smile as I hid the hurt I felt hearing those words. Bridgit need my help... He would choose to be with her than to be with me. But then again.. I did let him go after he confessed everything to me, I had no right to expect Louis to just wait around like a puppy for me.

"Hey you okay?" he asked

"Did I dozed off?" I asked back

"Yeah. So let's start?" he asked and I nodded


"UGH!!!" I groaned as I got home

"What's wrong sweety?"my mum asked

"I'm confused!" I admitted

"With Liam?" my mum asked again

"Nope with Louis." I answered

"I knew it!" she screamed

"What mum?" I asked

"I knew you'd always go back to Louis!" she said with a wide smile plastered on her face

"Mum!!!" I screamed making her laugh at me



"So how's it going with Jade?"Bridgit asked as she wiggled her eye brows

"Stale."I admitted

"She just broke up with Liam didn't she?"she asked

"How did you know?" I asked

"Well duh! They've been inseparable but now it's like they're just casual acquaintances." Bridgit explained

"Oh. Well, I don't think she feels the same way. And I don't think I'm willing to risk anything just yet."I admitted

"Oh for come on! Are you going to let someone else snag her away again? Louis! This is your chance and probably your only chance to get her! Why are you so afraid? Bridgit said

"Cause I already told her and she just let me go. I don't want to relive the pain again."I told her as I went to her motorcycle

"It's for Shane. I'm gonna bring it home with me next week."she told me

"Next week? I thought you're staying a lot longer than that."I asked

"I miss home Louis. And I think, I've made so many memories here and learned so muc hthat it's time to go home." she said with a smile

"I'll miss you Ms. American girl."I teased

"Oh shut up!" she said rolling her eyes at me.

"Hey you're phone's ringing." she then states

"Let me answer it." I said

"Hello?"I asked realizing I haven't checked who was calling me

"Hey Lou, I..." Jade said

"Yeah?" I asked

"Never mind. I'll just tell you in person."she said before hanging up.

"Who was it?"Bridgit asked

"Jade...she wanted to tell me something but said she'll just tell it in person. That was odd." I explained

"I smell something!"Bridgit teased

"I'm actually scared."I admitted making her laugh at me

"Don't be, I've got a good feeling about this."Bridgit said with a smile

I sure hope she's right, cause I really felt uneasy. What might Jade have in mind? And why does it have to be said personally? Everything is starting to confuse me...I can't get a grasp on what's going on.


"I'll just have to tell him personally." I whispered to my self as I stared at our first photo together. I didn't know if what I was feeling is certain but I had to tell him before I lose him again and finally shed some light to this confusing feeling...

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