Togas and Diplomas

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Chapter 26

Its been quite a ride. Having Jade be my best friend, now she's both my girlfriend and best friend. I get to experience new things with her and it fills me with joy knowing its me that makes her smile.

Today is our last day through these halls, cause this afternoon is our Graduation day, we're finished with High School and up to the big leagues. I smiled at myself knowing Jade and I will go to the same university and how we planned out living at the same apartment.

"Goofball. What are you day dreaming about?" Jade asked

"It's nothing. Just thinking of how far we've gone through. How all those things lead me to you." I admitted and her response was a blush.

"We better get ready or we'll be late." Jade said before I left her room and went back home to get dressed.

I fixed my tie and opened the letter Jade gave me last night.

Dear LouBear,

Hey! Last letter I gave you was on your birthday back when I used to call you my bff! Yup I've been lazy in writing and I'm sorry. Today marks a milestone for us Lou. A milestone that both of us thought we'd take as best friends with our pinkies intertwined.

We used to dream about wearing togas and going to the same schools and experiencing parties at college together and being each others wingman/woman haha. But I never really pictured us together holding hands in the library studying and enjoying each others company. I used to think that falling in love with you was wrong because then I'd lose my best friend, I'd lose the one guy who understood me in my weird and quirky ways. But it wasn't like that with you. Falling in love with you was not easy, yet staying in love with you was relatively easy, it was like a norm.

I always found it easy to just be around you, to just be a friend and a lover to you. You always knew how to handle me and I always knew how to handle you. To be honest Lou, I have never been so sure in my life until I realized I loved you. I was sure we would work, I was sure we would last and I was sure that I will marry you one day.

Cliché as it may be but Lou, I love you as my friend and as my lover. You've been with me from the start and I wouldn't have it any other way. Cheers to us! Cheers to us finishing high school together and on to the next chapter of our lives.

Today I won't have my pinky intertwined with yours but today I will hold your hand tight, the only way I know how. See you later!

With all my love,

I cried, I cried because I knew how much heart she put in this letter and how much I mean to her. This girl is everything to me. She is my best friend and my lover, no one will ever take her place. I wiped my tears and grabbed my toga.


"Congratulation Graduates! You've made it!" the Principal said and we all clapped. The ceremony was over, I looked at my phone and saw the picture of Jade getting her diploma.

"Aww you so love me!" Jade said as she kissed my cheeks

"Let's go meet the guys." She said and I nodded as everyone was exiting the auditorium

"Graduates!" Zayn said as I hugged him

"Speak for yourself. So I guess this is it huh?" I asked

"Yup, for the first time I won't be able to see you and call you up for a beer at Niall's" Zayn said with a laugh

"We won't randomly just pressure Niall to get us drinks." I laughed

"You won't get free peanuts with your drinks." Niall said as he joined us.

"I won't have you to call for my dramas" Perrie said as she hugged Jade

"I'm gonna miss you Pezz." Jade said.

"We'll all have our own paths." Jesy said weakly then was hugged by Jade and Perrie

"Hey! We can still call each other? And we'll be home on the holidays we'll still see each other then." Niall said with a smile

"It won't be the same." Perrie responded

"Only if we want it to be different. We're friends. We've bonded through a lot. It will only be distance separating us but we will still have each other." Jade said.

"One last pizza?" Jesy asked and we all nodded and laughed


"No way! Perrie totally gets the award for drama queen!" Niall teased

"Shut it Irish!You should get the award for sneakiest son giving drinks to his friends!" Perrie said

"Long ass award!" I said making them laugh

"Well we should give you the most persistent award." Zayn stated

"Yep!" Jesy said toasting her shake with Zayn's

"And most oblivious would be Jade" Perrie teased

"Well, you're still drama queen and miss anxious." Jade teased back making is laugh even more.

"Hey guys, congratulations to us." Liam said as he approached the table with the cheerleaders and other football players.

"Yeah. Back at you guys." I said with a smile and they all nodded as they went to their booth.

I looked around the place. I saw familiar faces all wearing their togas and laughing with their friends, it was the last time we'll ever be like this. The last time we will laugh about our silly high school escapades because next time it will be about college and how we missed a class or how we didn't take a bath before going out. It will seem familiar but different. I smiled at knowing what I have done and what I have yet to do.

"Hey ready to head out?" Jade asked as we all got ready to pay the bill.

We exchanged dramatic goodbyes and hugs before we split in pairs. Zayn and Perrie, Niall and Jesy, lastly Jade and I.

"It won't be the same huh?" I asked

"Yeah but no regrets right? Its a clean slate and we're going to enjoy it." Jade answered

"No regrets. But one thing is for sure, what lies ahead we will never know." I said

"But I'm sure with you it will be memorable." Jade said as she held my hand. Just like what she wrote on the letter. I smiled not really caring of what I won't know but being glad of what I do know. This girl beside me loves me and that I love her and that our future is what we make it.

You'll Never Know (AU) || LT & JT (editing)Where stories live. Discover now