The Claws are Out!

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Chapter 22


It was 7:30 am, I was waiting for Jade by their porch. We decided we'd go to school together.

"Hey stranger." Jade teased as she sat beside me

She was wearing a beautiful sun dress and had her hair in a bun.

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes."  I teased back as we went to school.

Today was the they we were just gonna hold each others hand and not care about what others say, I wanted to tell everyone that Jade was mine and that I loved her.

"You okay Lou?" she asked as we were about to enter the campus.

I didn't even realized we reached school, because I was just so fixated with her.

"Never better love, you ready?" I asked As I squeezed her hands

And she responded with a faint smile.


"I knew it!" Perrie screamed as she saw as walking hand and hand.

"Pezz, keep your voice down." Jade said as she ran towards Perrie and tried to muffle her squeals.

"FINALLY!" Jesy screamed as she got near us and dancing I might add

"For friends, you guys are dicks." Jade told them making the girls laugh

"This guy finally made a move!" Zayn teased as he hugged Perrie from the back

"I had too before anyone snags her again!" I said as I hugged Jade really tight.

"Why are you all screaming, I swear Harry almost called the principal if I didn't stop him..ohhh I see. Finally!" Niall said as he went near us panting.

"So shall we go to our classes?" I asked making the laugh.


"I just love croutons with baked potatoes on my salad." Perrie said as she took big chunks potatoes and ate them

Lunch felt like it arrived with a snap, I was finally really happy.

"You look like a weirdo." Perrie said almost spitting her croutons at my face

Zayn wiped her face as we waited for Jesy and Jade.

"What is taking that woman long, I want my cheeseburger." Niall said

"It isn't Jesy's fault you gobbled up two already, let the girls get their dessert in peace Niall." Zayn teased making Niall roll his eyes.

"That bitch! I knew she had a lot to gossip about but she never learns!" Jesy said as she placed their tray on the table. it was obvious that the girls had an awful time waiting at the canteen line.

"What happened?" Niall asked, totally ignoring the cheeseburger on the tray.

"Cher just made a snarky comment about me. Don't let it bother you." Jade answered as she handed me a bowl full of strawberries.

"Hold up, what did she say about you?" I asked somehow tensing up. Jade didn't look me in the eye and she simply ate her salad.

"Jesy?" I asked

"Cher commented, oh look broke Liam's heart now she's out to break Louis' heart too. Then she adds, and I quote. Not so innocent." Jesy said angrily.

I felt myself tense up. This was what Jade is afraid of, I knew people were gonna talk since Liam was quite popular with girls. I stood up and I was about to march to Cher's table but I felt someone grab my arm.

"Don't. It would be stupid. I'm fine." Jade said with a smile. It broke me how she's trying to be strong for us.

I sat down defeated. I sighed and ate the strawberries Jade gave me.

"Care to share some?" she asked trying to get rid of the awkward silence.

I gave her the bowl held her hand. I knew I was going to do everything to protect this girl. Especially now that Inave her close to me. I will never let anyone hurt her.


"Wait for me okay?" Louis said as he handed me his towel and water bottle.

They were practicing today and as supportive girlfriends go. Perrie, Jesy and I were sitting by the bleachers waiting for the lads to be finished

"Not like I have a choice LouBear." I teased as he kissed my lips.

"I love you Jadey Mouse! Be right back." Louis said before leaving.

"Barf! You guys are the worst." Perrie teased acting all disgusted

"She's just jealous." Jesy teased back

"I am not jealous Jessica!" Perrie said as she rolled her eyes making Jesy and I laugh hysterically at how defensive Perrie was being.

"Its just Zayn never gave me adorable nicknames!" she then said in a whisper making us laugh again

"I love you Pezz! You are too precious." Jesy said in between laughs.

"Anything funny here?" Cher asked as she went to the bleachers to change her heels into rubber shoes.

"Cher just change, coach is waiting and he is already mad for you being late." Leigh-Anne said looking a little apologetic at us.

"So Thirlwall, how was it playing two guys? Who's next? JJ Thompson?" Cher said as she finished up tying up her shoes and totally ignoring Leigh-Anne's comment.

"Okay bitch! I was mature enough to ignore you awhile ago but not this time. Jade didn't play with Liam. Ask the lad!Don't go bitching around just cause Harry didn't return your affection towards him! You are just a cynical bitch who is making up stories cause she is freaking bored with her life! Let me tell you something! Jade deserves to be happy even if bitches like you are not!" Jesy said

"Whatever, I don't need a lecture from the glorified spokesperson. You will never be popular Nelson and even with an arm candy like Horan you will and will never be an It girl. Perrie on the other hand is a diamond in the rough, she had her chance if only she audition. Anyway toodles. I wouldn't want to be a loser by breathing the same air with you girls." Cher said as she tightened her ponytail and left.

Leigh-Anne mouthed sorry and followed Cher.

"That bitch is a handful!" I Perrie said

"I will end that bitch!" Jesy responded

"Just let her. We don't need to prove anything to her." I said as I glanced at the cheerleaders.

As the lads' practice was over they came running to the bleachers and the cheerleaders' practice was also over and Cher started to whisper to the other girls and then glance towards us.

"The claws are out." I whispered.

"What Jadey Mouse?" Louis asked as I started to wipe his sweat,

"Nothing LouBear." I answered

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