A Break?

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Chapter 16


I walked up to Liam as he was practicing with the lads in the field. I have been trying my best to avoid him all day but Jesy was right I can't hide from Liam forever. I had to tell him what I was feeling.

"Hey Jade. What's up?" Liam asked as he approached me

"Liam can we talk?" I asked

"Sure, what's bothering you love?" he asked as we sat by the bleachers

"Liam, I've been trying my best to ignore this but, I've been feeling unsure..." I began to say

"Unsure of?" he asked

"Unsure of us. I am happy with you, I am but, I've never really felt.."I started

"Compatible? Yeah me too. I tried Jade. I tried everything that looks right but it never really felt right." he said with a smile

"I love you Liam, I really do, but maybe we tried so hard to stay together, a relationship shouldn't be like that right?"I explained

"Yeah, it should be easy.. I get you Jade. And I do love you. We should just be back to being friends." Liam responded

"Yeah good friends. Thanks Liam"I said as I hugged him

"I know he's still waiting for you. Don't ever let him slip away Jade. I know what you and Louis share is beyond what we have shared."Liam then said

"But Liam."I butted in

"You both look at each other with so much love. I just tried so hard to be that guy you looked at but it never happened. I'm happy you found the guy who makes it easy for you to fall in love. Just don't let it slip away Jade." Liam said before he kissed me forehead and left.


Kill me now. Look at them, they are perfect for each other.

"Hey! Come on focus Louis." Niall said

"Sorry mate." I said

After our practice Liam approached me

"Hey Lou got a minute?" he asked

"Yeah, sup?" I asked

"Jade and I just took a break. Well technically we broke up." Liam explained

"Wait back up. What?"I asked

"It never felt natural, it never felt like we belonged together. I guess we don't compliment each other as well as you both do. And we never really connected as much." Liam further explained

"Why are you telling this to me Liam?"I asked

"Cause Sherlock. I know you like Jade. Took you two long enough to realize that. Louis I know you love her okay? Now take this chance, don't let her go Louis and I mean it. She's a keeper." Liam said

"And I have to admit, I wanted to make you jealous Louis at first but you seemed like you didn't care. But eventually I saw the truth. And I guess it helped you seeing her with someone else to realize her worth." Liam admitted as he patted my back and left me standing in the field.

How does he know that Jade likes me? Was it even possible? I doubt it. But why was Liam happy about their break up? Or was it even an official break up?



"Jesy, Perrie I need your help."I said

"With what hun?" Jesy asked

"We're all ears." Perrie said

I whispered them something I was afraid to admit for a long time...

"YES! So what's the plan?" Perrie asked with a wide grin

"What plan?"I asked

"To you know?" Jesy answered with a wink

"I don't know." I mumbled

"Well we have to do something about it."Jesy said.

"Perrie and Jesy is on it!" Perrie said


"Hey girls!"I screamed as I approached Jesy, Perrie and Jade

"Hey."Perrie greeted with a smile

"What's with you? You got so many teeth!" I teased Perrie

"Shut up!" she responded as she rolled her eyes at me

"So you ready to practice Jade?"I asked and she nodded

"Bye ladies." I told them and they waved

"So Liam told me something." I said as we walked

"Which is?" she asked

"Is it true? Did you two break up?" I asked back

"To be honest. Yeah we kind of did." she admitted shyly

"Why?"I asked

"It's complicated." she admitted

"Oh.."I simply responded


"You and me we're bumper cars.."I sang

"Hey can we change the song?"Jade then spoke up.

"What do you have in mind?" I asked

"I have the perfect song." she told me with a smirk.


"Hey Louis." Jade said as we start to pack up

"Yeah?"I asked

"Thanks for everything. And sorry if I have been the worst best friend ever." she told me with a smile

"Don't worry, I was also a jack ass of a friend to you."I told her.

She called me her best friend so much for her loving me. I guess Liam interpreted it the wrong way. Maybe I'm keeping my hopes up, but all that I need to think about now is the up coming talent show. Nothing more...

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