Author's Note 6.0

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Hey loves! It's finally done! OMG can anyone hold me? I'm crying!

I never thought I would finish writing this book and there it is! I have finished it! I love you guys so much! Thank you for all those commenting for me to update and those saying how they love the book. You guys have seriously been my inspiration. Thank you for your patience and unending support. Since the beginning. You guys never left me!

To all those who have been with me since My Teenage Dirtbag I love you all! You guys have encourage me so much and I would have never thought I would get this far in writing to be honest.

To my new readers, thanks for taking a chance at my books and for giving me a boost up knowing that I can make your day. I hope I didn't disappoint you guys.

Thanks for making You'll Never Know a success and for loving it as much as I loved writing it. So another shameless plug, please support my new babies Blank Space (this is a Louade fanfic) and Project B.R.A.T. (this is a Nesy fanfic). I hope you support them as much as you have supported this and MTD (My Teenage Dirtbag)

I wouldn't have done it without you guys! All the love for you guys!

Victoria xoxo

You'll Never Know (AU) || LT & JT (editing)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt