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3rd Person's Pov

Do you know what love is? Do you know its meaning and everything- or anything -about it? Do you know how it feels? Have you experienced it?

To love and to be loved, because of the virus, where Kim Taehyung doesn't understand the concept of love, until a certain boy stays over.

Love is filled with misunderstandings, sacrifices, doubt and pain. Those are inevitable when experiencing and giving love. But those shouldn't be reasons to hold you back.


Love is... err, how can I say this, hmm...

"It's magical," what Kim Taehyung would say.

"It's a great and warming feeling," something Jeon Jungkook would say.

You know, before the virus occurred, these two different people lived fine. They were happy with what they had that moment, but the moment they walked on each other's path everything seemed to blur.

Taehyung was doing fine with school, he had no issues with a stranger related to his friend sleeping beside him. He was all right.

Jungkook was doing okay in Busan, he had good friends and good memories. He was okay there.

Okay, change topic!

Do you know that feeling when you look at someone and they're already looking at you? Then you get butterflies in your stomach and you can feel yourself blushing?

Some may say it's logically being nervous or embarrassed. But others would say it's a moment of interest and love.

So you like someone- a crush, maybe -I mean, at some point in your life you must have feelings towards someone, right? What do you feel around them? You always want to be beside them, right?

Affections are normal, and it's good to give them to the people we love and cherish. But receiving them feels great, right? It makes you feel wanted and appreciated.

It's a wonderful feeling.

Then you want to become close with that person. Maybe hang out, go to the park, watch a movie, go shopping together.

But other than that, love can be difficult. Sometimes we don't know how to express our love and tend to push the person we adore- our ourselves- away.

That's what our mind thinks is the 'safe option' to do.

But trust me, there's many more ways and lots of other ways to express your love.

You just have to learn and find those ways.

Unfortunately, sometimes, situations can get very difficult and tangled to the point where the healthy option is to cut ties with our loved one. And by that, I mean a break up.

But we shouldn't focus on that when we're happy with where we are.

Those things happen, they're unavoidable, but most times the love is right!

So, conclusion, love?

Love is...

Something worth it.

Taehyung knows that, he understands that. And maybe someday this story can be continued and be bloomed into a big, pretty, and majestic flower.

But that's a story for another day.

Because Of The Virus is officially completed! Thank you so much for reading the last chapter of this book, I'm forever grateful for the reads and votes this received. I never expected it to get this much attention. I'm surprised. I was thinking if I should just conclude the story in the previous chapter- chapter 32 -but I thought "I should give it a nice, concluded ending about love," so here we are! Thank you again for reading this. Make sure to share this with your friends and family who enjoys Bts and Taekook.

Maybe someday I'll write a sequel or prequel to this.

But that has a slight chance.

But not zero :)

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