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The sun shining in Isabella's window wakes her up, she looks a the bed and Bucky is gone. She runs her hand over her head and smirks thinking of the memories of last night, this was the first time she had a one night stand and she really enjoyed it.

She stood up and got herself ready for her first day of the new semester of college. She looked at her reflection in the mirror she's wearing a skirt with a T-shirt tucked into it and boots with a cardigan on top, her long dark hair is still curly from the night before. She walked out of her room and headed for her car, 10 minutes later she arrived she got out of the car and headed for her first class.

The rest of the day went quite quickly thankfully she made her way to her final class of the day, she walked in the room and looked around for her friend Jessica, her friend waved to her, Isabella smiled and made her way over to Jessica sitting down next to her.

"Have a good night did you?" Jessica asks with a smile"
"It was great" Isabella replies getting her books from her bag and places them on her desk.
"Did you hear we have a new Professor? And apparently he is gorgeous" Jessica asks with a smirk.
"Oh no I didn't know that" She replied with a smile.

"Oh my god, Bella" Jessica says as the new Professor walks in.

Isabella follows her gaze and her mouth drops open as she sees who it is, his hair is as perfect as it was the night before, he is wearing a tightly fitted shirt with a tie and jeans it's Bucky. "Shit" Isabella mutters to herself, her new Professor is the one night stand from the night before and he looks as gorgeous as she remembered. Thankfully Isabella is sitting quite far back so she's hoping he isn't going to notice her.

"Hello class I am Professor James Barnes" Bucky starts so she wonders where the name Bucky came from? His voice his as amazing as she remembered, she shook her head and bit onto her bottom lip as she watched him memories flicking through her head from the previous night.

The lesson passed quickly and he hadn't noticed her so she was relieved, everyone was leaving the class. She rushes to pack her things turning away from him trying her best not to look at him.

"Oh my god Bella" She hears from behind her and before she knows it he is stood right behind her. Isabella turns around to look at him and fakes a smile.

"Hi Professor" Isabella says as his steel blue eyes lock onto hers the same fireworks come back in her stomach as they stare at each other.

"I-I don't even know what to say" Bucky tells her honestly and she didn't either.
"I know I don't either I can't believe your my Professor after erm last night..." She trails off and looks away for a second before looking back at him.
Bucky doesn't take his eyes off her he looks her up and down and looks down for a second

"Well last night was amazing but it obviously can't happen again, it's inappropriate now we know I'm your Professor." He said she nodded she knew that was for the best but she didn't want it to be the end.

"I know of course it can't sir" Isabella replies looking at him, she notices him clench his jaw at her words, she has a feeling he likes it when she calls him that.

Isabella takes a step closer to him and runs her fingers through her long dark hair she doesn't take her eyes off his.
"It won't happen again sir" She smiles at him and picks up her bag and brushes past his shoulder before she can go anywhere he grabs hold of her wrist turning her to look at him.

"Don't tease me Bella I'm serious this can't happen again" Bucky says again his voice deep and serious.

"I know and it won't James" Isabella says watching to see if that gets a reaction.
And with that Bucky's pulls her to him by her arm and kisses her deeply, his hands instantly roaming her body, she kissed him back moving her other hand to around his neck. Quickly he pulls away from her letting go of her wrist.

"Shit" Bucky mutters "I shouldn't have done that" He says, she runs her fingers over her lips looking at him.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have provoked it" She replies feeling a little guilty for teasing him.

"Why don't we go and get some coffee or something? I feel like we have things to talk about" Bucky asks his voice sounding softer now.

Isabella nods and smiles "Yes that's a good idea" She replies she picks up her bag and follows him, she wasn't going to let that happen again she couldn't... Could she?

The two made their way to the college cafeteria they both got coffees and sat at the table in the corner. Isabella took a drink and placed it on the table she looked at him and smiled.

"We can just act like last night didn't happen James honestly it's fine" She says she wasn't sure if she meant it or not though.

Bucky met her gaze and nodded in agreement "That will probably be for the best Bella" He replied he looked down before looking at her again.

"I did enjoy last night though, even though it can't happen again" Isabella said with a smile on her lips.

"Believe me so did I" Bucky responds he then takes a drink of his coffee and takes a deep breath "I'm sorry for just leaving I shouldn't have done that" He says as he runs his fingers over the subtle on his face.

"It's fine, I didn't think I would see you again" Isabella laughs softly and shrugs her shoulders "To be honest that is the first time I've done something like that, I don't normally just jump into bed with someone" She says taking a another drink and not taking her eyes off him.

"I didn't think I'd see you either and it's not like me either, there was just something about you...There is just something about you" He says as he stares at me, I take a deep breath and bite my bottom lip.

"And what is it about me?" She asks intrigued as to what it is, she takes another sip of her coffee and keeps a hold of it.
"I just want to know more about you, I want to make you feel good like I did last night" Bucky says he brushes his hand against her, her eyes widen she looks down at their hands and looks back at him
"What happened to this is wrong and we shouldn't?" She questions him.

Bucky shrugs his shoulders and sighs
"I don't want to stay away from you we would just have to keep this between us, I could do that if you could?" He asks, she was not expecting that but that is definitely what she wanted. 

Isabella moves her hand away and looks around she looks back at him and nods
"I could definitely do that James" She replies with a smile this is wrong she knew that but she didn't care.

A big smile comes on Bucky's lips
"That's great, well here's my number" He hands her some paper she takes it and looks at it, it has a number on it "After you have finished classes tomorrow text me and I will come and pick you up"

"That sounds great I will do that" Isabella replies with a smile. "Well I better go" She says as she stands up and picks up her bag off the floor.

"I will walk you out" Bucky says with a smile, we both walk out of the cafeteria and out of the building it's getting dark and it's empty. "That's my car just there" She points to one of the only cars left in the parking lot.

"Well that's me" He points to the car 2 bays down, the pair walk over to the cars Bucky glances around he then holds both sides of Isabella's face and kisses her passionately, she kisses him back then pulls away.

"Well I better go...sir" She smirks "I will see you tomorrow. She looks at him once more and walks away getting into her car, she notices him get in and drive straight off.
She sits for a second in her car and runs both hands through her long dark hair.
"Shit, what am I doing with him" She mutters to herself...

Professor James Barnes Where stories live. Discover now