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When they arrived back at Bucky's apartment they were both in a great mood after the lovely night with Steve and Peggy. Isabella went into the bedroom and changed into a long T-shirt she came back into the living room to sit next to Bucky on the sofa.

"That was a really lovely night, Steve and Peggy are really nice" Isabella says with a smile.

"I'm so glad you guys all got on" Bucky replies with a smile "And they really liked you so that's even better" He says.

"I'm so glad and you and Steve really seem to be such great friends it's lovely to see" She says.

Bucky nods and smiles "We really are we have known each other since been teenagers" He smiles "Steve just wants to see me happy and he can tell that I'm happy" He looks at Isabella and brushes his fingers against her cheeks.

"That's really nose to see that you both have been friends for that long" She smiles "I'm glad your happy with me Bucky because I am so happy with you too" She says as she looks back at him with a smile.

"You make me the most happy I have ever been Isabella I really mean that" Bucky says as he looks down then looks back at her.

"Tomorrow we go back to Professor/ student relationship which is so hard after everything we have done when we aren't there" Isabella says with a sigh.

Bucky looks down before looking back at her "I know it's incredibly hard Bella, do you think your friends suspect anything?"

Isabella shakes her head "No I don't think so Jessica was asking where I have been hiding but I just said I'm sort of seeing someone" She replies.

Bucky raises his eyebrows "So your sort of seeing me?" He asks with a smirk.

She shrugs her shoulders "Well what should I say? Oh I'm just fucking someone? Or should I say I'm having a secret affair with the Professor?" She asks her tone slightly annoyed.

Bucky narrows his eyes at her "What? You know it's not just fucking at this point Bella"

"Do I? I'm not sure what do I tell people then? She asks as she looks away before looking back at him.

"Why don't you tell people you are in a relationship?" Bucky asks with a smile.

"Really? So that is what we are? That's what you want us to be?" She asks him they had never spoke about it and she just wasn't sure what they were.

Bucky nods "Yes that's what I want us to be, I want us to be in a relationship, I know it's tricky but we have managed it until now, we just have to keep being careful." He says as he takes her hand in his.

Isabella smiles "Well yes that sounds great"

"Now that we have sorted that let's go to bed" Bucky says pulling her up and they both walk to the bedroom.

                       The next morning

"Shit"Bucky says as he jumps up out of the bed waking Isabella up.

"What?" She asks as she sits up running her fingers over her forehead.

"We slept in, we really have to get up and go now" He says as he walks into his closet to get ready.

She sighs and stands up, she grabs her skirt and T-shirt and puts them on, Bucky comes walking back in his usual jeans, shirt and a tie.

"Okay I'm ready I better go I'll see you in class later" Isabella says as she kisses him and leaves.

As she arrives at college Jessica is stood at her car door before she even gets out.
"Hey stranger, I'm seriously seeing you less and less lately where have you been?" She asks with a smile.

Professor James Barnes Where stories live. Discover now