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When they got back to Bucky's apartment Isabella wanted to make sure Bucky hadn't forgot what he asked her.

"So when would you like me to move my things in?" Isabella asks with a smile as she closes the front door behind her and places her bag on the table.

Bucky turns to her and shrugs his shoulders "Whenever is best for you doll, we could start moving your things tomorrow if you wanted?" He suggests with a smile as he runs his hand over the stubble on his chin.

Isabella smiles "Okay that would be great James" She replies.

As they walk into the living room Sharon is sitting on a chair in the corner of the room watching them carefully.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Bucky shouts his voice angry very angry seeing Sharon.

Sharon stands up and folds her arms across her chest. "Well we'll don't you two look cosy" She comments with a snigger.

"What are you doing here Sharon?" Bucky repeats Isabella looks at him and she has never seen him look as angry before.

Sharon shrugs her shoulders with a smirk playing on her lips "Well it's nice to see you too Bucky and Isabella it's very nice to meet you, properly"

Isabella's eyes widen how does Sharon know her name? What the hell is going on? She thinks to herself.

"How do you know her name? And again why are you here?" Bucky asks he glances towards Isabella before looking back at Sharon.

"Well I have found out some interesting information that Isabella is in your class at college isn't she Bucky?" Sharon asks as she tilts her head to the side looking between Bucky and Isabella.

Bucky's mouth drops open, Bucky and Isabella look at each other in shock. Shit.

"How do you even know that?" Bucky asks her as he shakes his head. "I will ask you once more what do you want" Bucky says as he glares at Sharon.

Sharon walks closer to Isabella and Bucky with a smirk on her lips as she looks from Bucky to Isabella "I want you both to come out about your relationship because if I'm not mistaken Bucky you shouldn't be fucking one of your students should you? And if people find out you will get fired and I don't think any other college would then want you to work for them would they?"

Isabella shakes her head as she looks at Bucky who is just glaring at Sharon "Why would we do that? And what the fuck has it got to do with you?" Bucky says his voice low and angry.

Sharon chuckles and shrugs we shoulders "Because I want the college to know that your a liar and that your fucking a student when you shouldn't be and because if you don't come out about it I will tell everyone instead" She says as she tilts her head to the side.

Isabella runs her fingers over her forehead "Why would anyone believe you?" She asks

Sharon takes out her phone and looks at it for a few moments before she turns it around and shows them two pictures one of the pictures is Isabella and Bucky kissing and the other one is of them walking holding hands. "I will show them this" Sharon says with a smile.

Bucky takes a few steps away from Sharon and puts his head in his hands "Why are you doing this?" He asks angrily.

"Because we were not meant to get divorced I wanted to be with you forever you ruined it so now I'm going to ruin this relationship" She says "You have until Wednesday and if you haven't admitted it I will or you could always break up I would take that too" She puts her phone away and smirks "The clock is ticking" She says as she looks at them both before walking out and slamming the door shut behind her.

Isabella looks at Bucky "Is she being serious? Would she actually do this?" Isabella asks him nervously.

Bucky nods his head "Yes she would, She didn't want this divorce you know that this is just her trying to get revenge on me for it" He replies his voice now softer he sits down on the sofa and runs his hand over the stubble on his chin.

Isabella watches him and sits down opposite him "If this comes out James your career will be over we will both get in a lot of trouble" She says with a sigh as she looks down and bites her bottom lip.

Bucky looks at her intensely and nods "I know either way we loose, we either come out about it and get in trouble or we end it but I don't want to do that either" Bucky sits back on the sofa and tilts his head back as he sighs deeply.

Isabella looks at Bucky "I don't want this to ruin your career James, I love you but we really have to think about this"

Bucky looks at her "I know we do I love you too Bella you know that" He replies

Isabella stands up and walks over to sit next to Bucky she takes his hand as she looks at him "One thing to think about I have 4 months of college left and then I will be leaving, we could go on a break until I'm finished college and then try again that way we won't be doing anything wrong and no one will need to know about this?" She suggests even the thought of them going on a break was hurting her heart she knew it was probably for the best.

Bucky looks at her as he holds her hand "That actually sounds like it might be the best idea I could just tell Sharon that we broke up, I don't want to do this either Bella I hope you know that but this way we can still be together just in a few months time" He says his voice low and down.

Isabella looks at him and nods "We can just be normal student and Professor for 4 months and then try again I really don't want to do Bucky but I don't want you to get in trouble"

"I don't want you to get in trouble either and it's going to be so hard to still see you everyday and not be able to kiss you or anything but I promise I will be waiting for you" Bucky says as he grabs her face and kisses her passionately.

Isabella kisses him back she then pulls away but keeps her head against his "I love you James I will come back in 4 months" She says as she pulls away, she looks at him once more before before she grabs her things and walks out.

When she closes the door behind her tears run down her cheeks, she takes a deep breath and wipes her tears away.
Bucky is still sat on the sofa just staring feeling like his heart has been ripped from his chest.

                              2 days later

The weekend for Isabella was awful not spending it with Bucky like she had been and now not being able to be with him, she was heartbroken. She was on her way to college and today was the first day she was going to be seeing him just as her professor she was nervous for his lecture.

Isabella walks in to his class he is sat at his desk looking in a book as she walks to her seat and sits down getting her books from her bag. She looks at him and as usual he looks perfect she shakes her head and looks in her book.

As Isabella looks up Bucky looks straight at her and half smiles towards her, this is going to be a very hard 4 months. Bucky starts talking about the lecture every now and then he looks towards her only for a second before looking away. Isabella gets on with the work he set the class, Bucky is walking around the class helping the students he gets to Isabella he looks her dead in the eyes "Are you ok there Isabella" He asks her as his steel blue eyes doesn't leave hers.

"Yes thank you sir" She replies with a smile as she gets back to her work as Bucky looks at her then walks away. Shit. This is going to be a long 4 months.

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