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Isabella looks at Bucky who looks nervous
"Shit I think she saw us kissing" She says as she puts her head in her hands.

Bucky nods "I hope that was the only thing she saw" He replies nervously.

"I better go and find her and try to talk our way out of this" Isabella says she gives Bucky a quick kiss "I'll see you later" She says as she walks out the room. Bucky watches her and sighs.

Isabella walks through the corridor looking for Jessica, she heads outside and sees her standing next to Isabella's car, she walks to her car and smiles not knowing how Jessica is going to respond.

"I knew it, I just knew something was going on with you two" Jessica says her voice happy, Isabella was not expecting this response at all.

"You knew?" Isabella questions her wanting to know how much she knew.

"Yes of course I knew, the way you look at each other in class as if you practically undressing each other with your eyes" Jessica says with a smile.

"Okay yes he is the guy I have been seeing" Isabella admits happy that she can finally talk about him to someone.

"I am still shocked at this Bella this is so unlike you to do something like this" Jessica says raising her eyebrows.

"I know it really isn't, I just can't help myself" She says as she bites her bottom lip.

"So how is the sex? You have to tell me more" Jessica asks her, that is just like her to ask for details.

Isabella flushes bright red at the question "It is incredible, by far the best sex I have ever had." Isabella admits with a smile.

Jessica smiles "Wow well that sounds great and I'm sorry for flirting with him I was trying to see if you would react but actually you didn't really" She chuckles as she shrugs her shoulders.

Isabella nods "Oh right well I was reacting in my head I'm not going to lie." She says with a smile "Could you just please not tell anyone? We will both get in a lot of trouble if people find out" She asks her voice low and soft.

Jessica walks over and hugs Isabella "Your secret is safe with me Bella I promise"

"Thank you so much" Isabella says with a smile "Okay I have to go thanks again" Isabella says as she gets into her car and drives away.

2 hours later

Isabella knocks on Bucky's front door, a few seconds later he answers wearing nothing but a towel showing of his very toned chest and arms, his hair dripping wet, droplets of water drip down his chest Isabella can't help but look him up and down biting on her bottom. He is actually perfect.

"Well wow this is a very nice view" Isabella says with a smirk.

Bucky bites his bottom lip at her reaction "I'm glad you like it doll. Did you find Jessica?"

"Yes and she already guessed something was going on but she has promised not to say a word about it" Isabella replies with a smile as she walks in and hangs up her coat and bag.

Bucky closes the door behind them and smiles "That's good then"

Isabella nods "Yes it is" She replies

Bucky walks closer to her and looks her up and down as he pulls her closer to him by her hand "I want to try something but first doll I want to ask you something" He says his voice low and seductive.

Isabella eyes widen wondering where this is going "Okay what do you want to ask?"

Bucky's steel blue eyes meet hers "Do you trust me?" He asks

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