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Bucky and Isabella stares at her for moment before Bucky shouts "Get out of this room" His voice angry, Sharon storms out of the room slamming the door behind her. Bucky jumps up and puts his clothes back he he mouths "Sorry" To Isabella as he leaves the room to follow Sharon.

"How fucking dare you just walk into my house Sharon" Bucky shouts at her.

"We are still married Bucky or did you forget that little detail?" Sharon shouts back. Isabella gets up and puts her clothes back on listening to them shouting at each other.

"We are getting divorced Sharon you fucking know that" He shouts again he is angry, very angry. Isabella wished the bed would swallow her up at this moment.

"You couldn't even wait till we were divorced to started fucking someone else" Sharon responds, Isabella's eyes widen at the comment.

Bucky chuckles "Are you serious? You were the one that was cheating on me and fucking someone behind my back so don't even fucking dare go there" He replies

"Who is she anyway? She looks a bit younger then you" Sharon comments her voice lower now.

Bucky glares at her "That is nothing to do with you. I can with whoever I like and I don't have to tell you anything anymore. Now leave right now, I will see you tomorrow to sign the papers and then I never want to see you again" He spits, Isabella hears the front door slam shut.

She walks into the living room where Bucky is stood looking stressed "Are you ok?" She asks

Bucky nods "Yes thank you doll. She just drives me crazy"

"How long were you married for? It seems like she does not want to let you go" Isabella asks

"4 years and she doesn't but I am determined that it will be over tomorrow" He insists.

                      The next morning

Isabella is getting ready for the day ahead, she looks at her reflection in the mirror and sees marks on her neck from the events of the night before. She smirks to herself as she walks into the kitchen where Bucky is putting things into his briefcase, he is wearing a blue suit. Wow. She walks over to him and gives him a kiss on the cheek.

"Morning" Isabella smiles Bucky looks at her and smiles "Morning doll" She notices the marks on her neck he runs his fingers over the marks "I'm sorry about that, maybe I was too rough with you last night" He sighs clearly feeling bad.

She shakes her head with a smile "You weren't I'm fine I promise" She insists "Ok I have to go I have a class in half an hour"

Bucky nods and checks his watch "I have to go soon, I have to go and finally get divorced then I have classes the rest of the day" He smiles "I will see you for the last class doll and be a good girl in the class today or we might have to have a repeat of last night" He says as he raises his eyebrows.  "And don't forget your meeting Steve and Peggy tonight too babe"

Isabella's eyes widen as she swallows hard she bites her bottom lip maybe she'll misbehave on purpose then? She thinks to herself. "Yes I remember and I'll be as good as I can sit..." She smirks and kisses him "See you later" She says as she turns and walks out.

When she gets to college she gets out her car and Jessica comes running over.
"Finally Bella where have you been? You are never home anymore" She says with a smile as Isabella closes her car door and walks with Jessica.

Jessica notices the marks on Isabella's neck "And what are those on your neck?" She asks with a smirk "Well that answers where you have been" She laughs

Isabella laughs "Ok yes you have caught me, I'm sort of seeing someone" She says with a smile.

Jessica raises her eyebrows with a smile "That's great Bella, who is it?" She asks quickly

"You don't know him" Isabella lies "Sorry I won't be home again tonight" She says with a smile

Jessica nods "Well if whoever he is, is making you happy then I'm happy for you" Jessica says "Ok see you later Bella" Jessica walks away.

Isabella heads to her first class of the day so glad that Jessica didn't question anymore then she did. She sits down in her first class when she gets a text from Bucky she looks at the message

Good news she sighed the papers and we are officially divorced. 

Isabella smiles the message thank god. She was starting to think it was never going to happen after the way Sharon went on last night.

Isabella's day was going so slow all she wanted was to get to Bucky's class, thankfully it was finally time, she pretty much rushed in the classroom Bucky was sat at his desk and arching his students walking on, he glances at her and smiles as she takes her seat next to Jessica.

"He is still so fit" Jessica comments looking at Isabella with a smirk.

Isabella smiles "If you say so" She comments back, he looked even better then he did this morning he no longer had his suit jacket on and his shirt sleeves were rolled up. Fuck. He looks so good.

Isabella shakes her head as she tries to forget the events of last night and concentrate on the class. As Bucky started the class she was half listening and half not her mind was to busy thinking about later actually meeting his friends.

"Okay class we are done for the day good job everyone" Bucky says as the students start leaving the room.

Isabella gathers her things putting them into her bag as Bucky walks over to her as the last of the students leave the room "Well doll I am officially divorced so tonight when we go out with Steve we are celebrating" He says his tone relived.

Isabella smiles and nods "Yes I think we have to celebrate its great news" She agrees.

They head back to Bucky's apartment to get ready for their night, Isabella is feeling nervous meeting Bucky's friend Steve but she hoping it all goes well.

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