3. invisible

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Techno and Wilbur=10

It has been a few years since your mother died. You as a toddler grew up with two brothers that ignored you and a father who was always too busy with your older siblings to even acknowledge you.

So instead, you found entertainment in other things. Like a certain murder of crows that lived in the forest outside your childhood home.

That certain murder of crows used to follow Phil around the whole time. But when Phil had a family to take care of he had stopped seeing them and started taking care of his family. Now the crows follow his youngest child the whole time. Whenever you were feeling down the crows were there for you. And whenever you just wanted to mess around they were there too.

It confused you when they said stuff like 'gapple gang'  and different things like that,  but you just gave them a gapple and they would be happy about it, then they'd continue to caw more loudly and be more annoying but it helped you a lot more that you would like to willingly admit. They would also give you random gifts, mostly shiny items and fruit but it was a kind gesture even if you didn't fully understand why they did that.

Really the only reason why the murder of crows first surrounded you was to get back at Phil for ignoreing them. So by choosing his offspring rather than Phil himself Phil would get 'jealous'. (that was a really stupid plan but what do you expect? They're birds.) But after being with you they have grown to forget about their revenge plan and instead now truly follow you and only you.

Now you are five and your brothers are ten. Phil was teaching Techno how to use a sword and Wilbur was teaching himself how to play guitar. You would watch from afar. The edge of the forest to be more specific.

If you were to sit on the step of the porch or be in any way near them they would drop what they were doing just to go back inside and claim they were hungry or tired.

That kind of stuff definitely left a mark on your self-esteem. The local school you went too had bullies of their own and there they wouldn't just ignore you, they would make fun of you whenever they could.

You never really made any friends. Sure Wilbur and Techno had friends, they were friends with a boy called Dream and another called Jschlatt.

They would come over often and the first time they did, Wilbur specifically asked you,
''Do not bother us, or even come near us. Understand?" One of the only times Wilbur had spoken to you that week and those were his words. Yeah, your self-esteem was definitely diminishing.

Dreams mother Puffy was a nice woman though. She was kind, had long fluffy, curly white hair and wore a pirates hat. When you first met her you hid behind every object you could find to avoid her gaze but once you two locked eyes she smile and you built up enough courage to walk over to her, and the first thing you told her was,

''I l-like your hat.. ''

Your voice was almost a whisper barely audible and yet she still heard every word of it.

Puffy's expression brightened and she picked you up an turned to your father asking if she could take you home with her.

Of course Phil said no and by the end of it all Puffy was reading you a book. To say you looked up to her was an understatement and not just  because you were smaller than her.

After about a year, one day Dream was going on another play date with Wilbur and Techno and Puffy brought her youngest son, Foolish. Foolish was about your age and she thought you two would get along well.

To say you two were only, 'aquantances' would be a crime. You two were practically inseparable, the best of best friends.

When they finnaly had to go home you snuck out of the house and told your murder of crows how you finnaly made a friend. You were bubbling with excitement as you talked to them about Foolish and how you wanted to introduce Foolish to them.

They were clearly happy for you, but they worried that you would grow to forget them and be with your friends and family the whole time.

''What on earth would make you all think that!?'' You exclaimed. The crows only having their heads down.

''I would never leave you behind! Not on purpose anyway. I will always visit you, even I get grounded I will try my best not to forget you! And nothing can stop me.''

The crows seemed to like your statement. They claimed that they'd never leave you too. They surrounded you which was their way of hugging you. And of course you returned the hug.

After staying with them for a few hours though you had to go back inside. Even if the crows asked you not to, it was getting late and you had to be back in time for tea.
Phil never even noticed you had left.
It's not like he ever noticed before anyway.

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